

 8, 9 AND 10   OCTOBER  2004

 The Real Federación Española de Motonáutica, the Federación Andaluza de Motonáutica, the  Club Modelismo Naval Jábega de Málaga and the Club de Modelismo Naval R.C. de Córdoba, organize this event.

 The different categories in which the races will be held are Multi Racing (Class Formula 2) and Heat Racing (Classes Oval 1, Oval 2 and Oval 3).

Three qualifying heats will be run by every competitor in each class.

The performance of each competitor will be calculated by adding the scores gained in each heat. The worst heat results not to be considered for this .The best 6 results run the final.

 The races will be held in PARQUE TECNOLOGICO DE ANDALUCIA ( in Málaga (Spain), 8, 9 and 10 of October in 2004.

Racing courses:
Multi Racing: M type, with size of 60x30 meters. (See Art. 901.01 in U.I.M. radio
control rules)
Heat Racing: OVAL type, with size of 90x28 meters. (See Art. 901.02 in UIM radio
control rules).
The races will be held uder U.I.M. rules.

 By each country, will be able to participate a maximum of 15 pilots in each class.This event is open to all RC pilot It will be able to present any pilot, but in case to surpass the number of 15 by country, the pilots  integrated in a national authority integrated in the U.I.M. will have preference.

 We will be accepted all the preinscripciones that be received to on the 30 of September of 2004 in the:


 Casares, 2 local 1,
Telephone 952 – 173003
Fax 952 – 173103

The individual ratification will be finalized the same day October 8 after 10:00 hours, before pilot meeting.

Friday 8:

10:00H Inscripcions and technical inspections.
14:00H End of Inscripcions and technical inspections.
16:00H Pilots meeting.
17:00H Qualifying heats. (One each 15 minutes)
19:00H End of day.

Saturday 9:
 9:00H-14:00H Qualifying heats. (One each 15 minutes)
15:30H-19:00H  Qualifying heats. (One each 15 minutes)

Sunday 10:
9:00H-12:00H Qualifying heats. (One each 15 minutes
13:00H-14:00H Finals.
15:00H Prizes and end of event.

No entrance fee.

It to be delivered  medal of gold, silver and bronze respectively to the three first classified of each category and class

 The printed of inscriptions has been sent with present avanced-program, although can also be requested to the Federación Andaluza de Motonautica :

 There is not  help for the trip neither for the accommodation.

The hotel nearby is the Hotel Posadas deEspaña, situated next to the entrance of the Parque Tecnologico de Andalucia. Characteristic and reserves in its pagina web: posadasdeespanamalaga com

Another hotel, but more  distant (8 Km), is the Hotel Ibis Malaga. Characteristic and reserves in its pagina web:

The organization has hired an insurance for the event.

There is not limit of age of the participant.
The verifications of boats they will be carried to term inside the same schedule that the confirmation of inscriptions. The hull, once verified, cannot be changed.After each race the pilots arrived  aone  commissioner that will verify the number of elementsi all boat.

The decorations, shields or decorated of any type (included small advertising motives) set in theboat do not remain explicitly prohibited, nevertheless they will not be able camuflar, to hide, to complicate or to hinder the visibility of the points that be important for the identification of the boats  (number of registration, flag and skylight with the number of career). All the boats  will have to carry the racing number plates in white color of measures 80 x 80 mm., with the black number; each number will measure as a minimum 75 mm. of height.

Each pilot will carry its own number and the spares of plates that creates necessary, under its responsibility in case of loss or break. The number they will be assigned by the organization. It is recommended to carry sufficiently visible the number also in the hull, to be able in case of loss of the plate by to have been undertaken.

All boats will be available to the competitors from the moment that have passed the verification after each race .

The Committee Organizer is reserved the right to change the own regulation of the test as well as the Technical Committees and of Regatas by reasons of greater force. The changes will be communiqués with an hour of advance to its application.

The meeting of pilots will be celebrated once finished the confirmation of inscriptions, immediately before beginning the competition. The aid to the meeting of pilots is obligatory.

The radio will be able to emit in AM, SSS, PCM or FM, in any of the bands: 27, 40, 41 and 434 Mhz. and/or some another authorized properly. All the participants will have to have a total of THREE (3)quartz and that they be able  to their radio, which they will have to be presented to the organization for their verification.