Ian's Model Slipway Tsekoa

First time builder, I have chosen model Tsekoa 11 from Model Slipway.

Many hints were dropped before Christmas i.e. "This model is superb dear!! Wonder how much they cost ????"

So after much hinting and a screen saver of the item Tsekoa I started to build up a few necessary items......a few !!! Goodness knows what half my equipment was for. So Christmas day no boat unless the wife had stuck it through a blender... >:-(     Anyhow I did the decent thing whilst opening the pressies; "Oh lovely just what I needed, a new pair of work overalls and a pair of Stone Creek boots...."  What is this broad on?!?!"

After about 30 minutes this lovely woman says oh nearly forgot there's another pressie in the front room...... and there itn was, my very own TEKOA.  spent a few nights engrossed in the plans and was none the wiser and ready to sell the model to the best bidder. Joking aside the kit looked superb and was not long in getting down to some serious business. I am learning each day the easiest methods to build the ship and am sending you my progress in pictures so far.

We also now need a new desk as some idiot has superglue on every surface.

More to come....!

  Part 2 

Phew.....this shipyard work is a fairly stressful hobby, good side wife gets watching what she likes on the tale. Anyhow, the TSEKOA is certainly coming along. As this was my first build and I actually got the boat off Santa Claus...(.what a great guy he is) all in all seems to have been fairly easy with such a great kit. The ship is possibly nearing completion, got all the transfers to do and a final varnish coat and were away !!!!! Ooops no not quite suppose we need to fit the power source, so this is probably when things could turn nasty haven't got a clue about speed controllers, servos, parallel snoggler shafts and goodness knows how the gudgeon sleeves fit.

Got the two motors and suppressors are fitted so reckon all I need is a car 12 volt battery some very very long cables and away we go bang a couple of jump lead type clips onto the battery and were sorted ASSUMING THE BATTERY ISN'T TOO HEAVY.

Pic 028 shows the aft deck stripped of its paint around the crane area, this was due to a serious hydraulic hose burst which covered the deck with fluid, final pic will show the derik hands repairing this problem

So on a more sensible note got an electrician mate who's into this RC stuff actually was him talking about his hovercraft that got my interest started, so he will hopefully give me a diagram or two and get the !!!! boat.....sorry SHIP ready for her sea trials, at least once I have my routine six monthly bath I can try things out as far as watertight integrity.

I am trying to send a few pics but will probably get this bit wrong here's hoping. Will send final pics in a few days or months when all diesel engines and bits are operational.

Where can I get some figures in 1/32 scale to suit the model


  Part 2                                                                                                                                                              

Still ain't got electrics sorted yet. Transfers are all on and it was no problem. Will send more story soon when electrics are fitted assuming I don't electrocute myself in the process. Still ain't got my 1/32 figures.


Moggie ( CHARLIE) is me constant buddy who likes nicking any parts lying around. Just to add a bit of interest
