Umi your jjc thing is diffrent to mine? Did mr jjc make lots of diffrent ones?
All the best
The thing, or the thingy?
That unit was sent to me as "
Broken, if you can fix it you can keep it."
It was different than the one I installed in Billy's Tito Neri also.
It has three different jumpers, rather than three pins and jumper setting one or jumper setting two.
And I was a bit confused trying to get a DC voltage reading off of the power leads to the mist unit.
Then it occured to me, try the AC settings... Bingo... the unit cycles between 1 and 54 volts AC.
The fan pulses for "puff", and runs constant for desiel. However, this one seems to puff at Idle, and
I can't get it to change. ???
New fan was £11.50 plus shipping AND stock fee... £15 total... :(