Hi, David.. it looks we met now and then "around the globe" despite not seeing you for a long time..Hope you are well! and yes, this summer has been a bit lack of snow.. I guess your town has been more on sunny side
@Craftysod,thanks, boat is made in Vietnam as kind of a display boat conversion "ARF", we did that rc conversion job from plain hull to be twin outrunner brushless.
It is approx 69" long, weight approx 53lbs. Its powered by 2 big 10-pole motors, each giving out around 3.4KW, totalling somewhat 9,3hp. GPS measured speed is 30KTS/55kmh,
after a lot of finetuning job to hull & props etc..
Running batteries are 10S/42V Polyquest 6000mAh lipopacks (total 20 cells onboard),
A bit more summerish photos, Installation pics I have to trace later on, sorry