I have finally started on a little more of the aesthetics on the boat namely the hatch cover and have finally decided that i will just use hatch tape and not worry with the hatch locks as that will make the boat a little bit of a mess.
I used a thin sheet of styrene cut to fit the hatch and dug out the rear fin from my (Here's one i produced earlier bin) attached it with some very small pan head screws and a bit of araldite. i have sanded down the whole length of styrene sheet first with 180 grit to rough it up a little as there will be a lot more work to go on here.
Next I got some of the good old mahogany strips and glued them onto the styrene i used UHU strong and safe to do this bit as there is no instant bond (you have around 30 secs to play with and it is also a gel form so it is a lot easier to clean up and your fingers don't bond straight away. it also slightly melts the styrene so be careful when you do use it.
now in the photo below you will see that from the front of the fin and mahogany will be painted matt black as soon as i can get some better weather as my shed is to cold to spray atm and the wife get's a little shirty when i use paint inside
and the second photo shows where the engine cowling will sit and the driver as well