Could I ask a stupid question?
I just finished reading "Scale Model Ship Propulsion", by Tom Gorman.
All through the book he mentions Cheddar and Hemmens products. (He even says there are no model Compound Steam Engines! That's a laugh! I have 2 Twin Stuart Compounds, and a Stuart Triple Compound. Opening the book, I see it was printed in 2003. I rest my case.)
I have some Hemmens models, and would love some Cheddars too, but their website seems to just refer to Loco boilers now. Are they still making steam boilers for other than locos? Are they still making the ABC control? (The Automatic Boiler Control.)
On the subject of Tom Gorman books, I have six or more. I shouldn't have bothered. Two of them are identical, but with changed covers to "suck in the suckers"! Several of the others have exactly the same photos, articles, even chapters in them. Now, over £100 lighter, I shall never buy a Tom Gorman anything again.
It's just like the record albums in the 60s. A couple of good topics (hits), and the rest scattered through different books (albums), photos and all, and sell it again. Records were notorious for having one or two hits, and six albums later, you got the same songs over again.
I've been suckered quite enough thank you.
P.S. I have the books here to prove my claims.