Hello, dear XBow enthusiasts and those who are on there way to become one!
I'm a quite young
(28 years) modellmaker from southern Germany. I'm currently working on a scratch built DSV (Diving Support Vessel) with Ulstein XBow. You will find pictures of my work here:
http://picasaweb.google.de/Skipperiki/DSX144HalmarBeluga?feat=directlinkBut I'm not the only German XBow lover. Meanwhile there are eight German modellers, as far as I know. With actually 3 modells running and 6 under construction. Together we are part of an internet community called "IG XBow". For everyone who is "on the hunt" for new inspiration or only curious what is going on "over the Channel" you can find us here:
http://forum.modellkapitaene.net/viewforum.php?f=353Guests are always welcome!!!
Matthew Winter