Thanks guys for all the help so far...
Next question: whats the best place to place the prop. Initially I thought parallel to the deck - but plenty dont.
And the prop centreline was coming ing at 40mm up from the bottom, which I is perhaps a bit high.
Is it worth getting it as low as possible, to push the front up?
While I'm thinking round the subject,
why do springers dive at speed? Is it a simple snow plough effect?
How about the hull being an upside down wing shape?
Are there any ways to reduce this ? Does the prop position or angle effect it?
Build continuing: My lad has gone away from the idea of a tug topside to wanting a Viking ship (hardly an longboat!). If he keeps on this tack I suppose we can carve one out of foam.

Other ideas included space ships, a dragon (I've no idea how on this one), Thunderbird 4, a swan, a wind surfer (tilting to suit of course)... But just get it on the water I might get a quick and dirty tug done... and then see if he wants to do another.
Thanks again, Harry