all things aside it is a great day for Australia. It seems that there is a surge of enthusiasm in waving the flag which is a far cry of what we used to think of ourselves. Our success in the world economically and in sport is quite phenomenal for a country with only 23million people.
It is indeed a great day for Australia David, but there are some to whom it is just another excuse to get drunk. There was a near riot involving an estimated 500 young people here, in little old Lennox Head. I saw the tail end of the fracas, and most of those involved were aged from 13 up to early 20s, draped in Aussie flags, drunk as skunks, and abusing police and anyone else nearby. They are a disgrace to the country and, hopefully, will live long enough to realise just what idiots they were.

In the case of the younger participants, I have to ask, where were the parents?

Fortunately, the vast majority of people celebrated the day in its true spirit, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Incidentally, I admired the (many) police called to the scene for their restraint, in the face of much taunting and downright abuse by the idiots. Needless to say, it made the front page of the local paper this morning.