where were they taken? That bottom shot is brilliant. ive never seen a shot like that so close to land (my ignorance?)
If i was on that boat i would running for the toilet and being sick!!!
Fotos were of Fred Olsen's 'Balmoral' on its departure from La Corunna (Bay of Biscay), Spain.
Believe it or not, conditions deteriorated even further whilst running for Ushant and the English Channel, reaching Force 10 - 11 at its wors with wave heights of 40 - 50 feet.
Now for the Belly Laugh: the cruise was billed as 'Sun and Souks' though a more appropriate title should have been 'A Magical Mystery Tour'; we saw neither of the former and had no idea of were we were likely to end up in respect of the latter - it should have been Tangier but we had to put up with Antwerp as a consolation prize.
The Master deserved a medal for his superb seamanship in minimising discomfort to his passengers throughout a prolonged and very uncomfortable 4 - 5 days , whilst the crew and entertainers , including Jim (Bullseye) Bowen, worked wonders and were able to maintain full service throughout, allbeit at the expense of mucho crockery and glassware.
All's well that ends well and we're now safely back on Terra Firma. The trip was a unique holiday experience though not one I'd like to repeat (too soon)
