google skyfly for much better instructions. Through ignorance, I noticed that if needing a seperate battery source, depending on your esc, even with the tx/rx turned off, the batteries drain quickly. Will be testing this week with fully charged batteries (
) which hopefully will improve range, as the set is now in the proper boat which is higher than the test boat, so the antennas are sitting higher.
I now have 2 rx's bound to 1 tx, and so far all is fine, with a couple of folders saved on the pc with different settings. Thats the only prob, I had to make sure if I am running both boats that the settings are the same, as there are no servo reverse switches on the tx. I had to change the links on one of my rudders so both boats operate the same direction, but no problem there.
Guy, keep us posted on the vista update, I have been told by r2hobbies since xmas the update was iminent, but nothing yet, but I have to say r2hobbies communication and customer service so far has been superb!