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Author Topic: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...  (Read 8878 times)

das boot

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so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« on: April 04, 2009, 11:58:28 am »

Here's a tip for all you guys...never, ever, go take a pee when you've got superglue on your fingers.

It hurts....


jonny shoreboy

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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2009, 12:40:31 pm »

Here's a tip for all you guys...never, ever, go take a pee when you've got superglue on your fingers.

It hurts....


 {-) Reminds me of that scene in American Pie..


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2009, 03:20:24 pm »

ONLY A SUBMARINER could do that, lol {-) {-) {-) {-) {-) {-) {-) {-) {-) {-) {-) {-)
<:( <:( <:( <:( <:( <:( <:( <:( <:( <:(


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2009, 03:34:08 pm »

Rich, Has it left you with little ROUND sores??


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2009, 05:33:51 pm »

playing with his torpedo before the glue had hardened....................oooooh .....fatal %% %% {-) {-) {-) {-) {-)


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2009, 06:18:46 pm »

In a similar vein, don't do the ironing naked. :o
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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 12:19:30 pm »

and further to that. DONT take a pee after you have been using paint stripper. the big mistake was only  wiping my hands and not washing them first


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2009, 01:11:26 pm »

If caught short at the lake, don't pee in the bushes, Wasps! %)

das boot

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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2009, 01:56:38 pm »

I can add to that Paul...many years ago when I had what's properly known as a 'personal body piercing' (the one that only my doctor and the wife had seen) I went for a pee in the bushes, and on zipping up, I caught the ball of the body ring in my zip...the ball pinged off into the undergrowth, and I never did find it, so I left the hoop inserted. Bad move...everytime I moved the thing caught in my clothing, in the end I had to take it out...with watering eyes I might add.

It was sore for weeks after, I was walking like John Wayne... <:(



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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2009, 11:35:25 pm »

Now that was silly weren't it Rich...

Least he took the round thing out... OH NO!!!!! ;)


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2009, 07:41:03 am »

Now that does explain U33's fascination with all things ROUND..


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2009, 07:48:52 am »

  Chopping chilis, too...
I eat my peas with honey,
I've done it all my life;
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps 'em on the knife.


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2009, 06:34:56 pm »

In a similar vein to U-33; I know a chap that had a ring in one one his nipples, one day out fishing a wasp flew/fell into his shirt. In the ensuing panic the wasp started to sting him so he just grabbed the bottom of the shirt and flailed it off over his head the fainted.
We all just in a fluff, we thought it was because of the stings from the wasp.
Then we saw the hole where the nipple ring once used to be.....
The ring had gotten caght up in his shirt, and was still atached to i when we picked it up to get him dressed to drive him to the hospital

Ane word.


Soldering flux is another no no. One of the more subtle things. Dont burn right from the start, but its there, slowly eating away at the soft skin. I now have a box of latex gloves I use when super glueing or soldering..... <:(

Bryan Young

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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2009, 06:50:58 pm »

Don't close the drawer before donning the underpants
Notes from a simple seaman

das boot

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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2009, 08:10:11 pm »

Ian....OUCH. Big time!!!

(me eyes are still watering at the thought of that.....)


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2009, 11:19:19 pm »

During my time at engineering college in the 60's, one of the apprentices sat for a while on a wooden workbench. Unbeknown to him was the fact that battery acid had been spilled onto and soaked into the wood surface. The heat from his body drew out the acid and shortly after he was in hospital for a large skin graft on his rear end.  Not nice at all.

Barry M


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2009, 02:57:45 am »

Soldering flux is another no no. One of the more subtle things. Dont burn right from the start, but its there, slowly eating away at the soft skin. I now have a box of latex gloves I use when super glueing or soldering..... <:(

A similar one.
I was buring rubbish in a garden incinerator. I reached down to pick up bits from the floor, when a glob of molten plastic bin bag drippen onto my forearm. It did burn a fairly deep hole, about 2-3mm. Only about 6mm across.

It hurt more than a little and I still have the scar 20 years later.
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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2009, 02:27:26 pm »

Last year I managed to stick a half inch chisel right the way through my left wrist. This was in my room, so I trondled downstairs into the kitchen where my mum was pouring some drinks. I said 'um help I'm bleeding'.... She finished pouring the drinks, came back into the kitchen, saw me with blood covering my arm, dripping off my fingers and elbow all over the floor and decided it would probably need some attention. Didn't go to hospitol, and got moaned at for getting blood in the carpet up the stairs...

Strangest thing though it didnt hurt at all, I pulled it out straight away (which probably wasn't a great idea) and bled everywhere for a good 5 minuits.

I did manage to go through two arteries with that chisel too...


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2009, 05:48:37 pm »

I tripped in my living room, stone cold sober mind you, put my arm through a glass door, severed two tendons at the wrist, missed main artery by 1mm (so doc told me a few days later), ended up in hospital for 6 days, 2 ops on the wrist and then a skin graft!

Moral of the story - get rid of full length glass doors!

if at first you dont succeed.....have a beer.....

das boot

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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2009, 06:57:37 pm »

Is it any wonder why I worry about you lot? The words "accident prone" don't begin to cover it!

Oh well, here's another one for you...I used to keep a 14" Peruvian High Backed Black piranha, 99% of the time he was quite friendly towards me, but one time during a regular hunger strike(black piranhas are renowned for that)I'd fed him a sand eel and he'd refused it. I left it in the tank for a few hours then decided to remove it...I put my hand and arm down into the tank, grabbed hold of the sand eel, and in a split second the piranha had covered 60" of tank, grabbed hold of my left hand, took a deep bite and then shot off back up the other end. Now that hurt....the hospital staff thought I should have been in the mental department instead of A & E. I had a few stitches put in my hand, but it was a good thing that he'd only given me a love bite...a piranha that size is more than capable of removing an adult's whole hand.

He's now living in Dundee and approaching 24"....with a mouth full of teeth to match.



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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2009, 08:43:58 pm »


You really should rethink that ROUND thing, it sounds like you might kill your self getting it out of the house . . . . And just who did you give you fish to in Dundee ?


das boot

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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2009, 08:58:01 pm »

I advertised him on a piranha related website Andre...a chap drove down from Dundee to Sussex after work one evening, arrived at mine about 0100hrs, we drained the tank down, put the big fella in a cool box along with a portable heater, he took fifty gallons of water with him, and drove all the way back to Dundee. A round trip of approximately 800 miles or so! And all in what we call a 'hairdressers car'...a little two seat whizzy sports car thing. Rather him than me!

I sold the old boy for £350, sad to see him go really, but what with 'er indoors getting to be very unsteady on her feet, it seemed to be the sensible thing to do. The thought of her tripping or falling and going through the tank was bad enough, but 14" of evil Peruvian teeth coming at her was the final straw really.

I imported the old boy direct from Peru on a personal import scheme, he was a mere babe of 9" when he arrived at Gatwick Airport.



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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2009, 09:09:41 pm »

Never mind the round thing, build us a submersible Piranha...

We can all sing the Piranha song by Prodigy at it too...


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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2009, 09:39:15 pm »

    ...HI Guys...

Here,s one that will always  stick in my mind...

I used to own & skipper a 30 foot Charter Fishing Boat...One fine summers day we were anchored over a reef in the Firth of Clyde...
 As the tide had turned it was agreed we would lift the anchor & drift the reef for a while...

I went up onto the bow & Pulled up the anchor, There was some Jellyfish on the rope...

I then decided to take a leak whilst up on the bow out of the way of everyone...

Jellyfish doesn,t just sting your hands, But also anything that you might touch before cleaning it off your hands...

My Private Parts were on fire for days after it...

...Best Regards...Norry...
...Get Your Tugs Out For The Buoys...

Jimmy James

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Re: so THAT'S why it's called superglue...
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2009, 10:08:24 pm »

 {-)I use super glue quite a lot when building models and can't even seem to stick my fingers togeather but did see a medic glue a rather nasty cut in an awkward place with the stuff!!! It healed with almost no scar... When I quizzed him about it He said that one of the original ideas for the use of super glue was to seal wounds in emergency aid stations by the military
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