Firstly Hi all,
I'm very new to boat building and just attempted my first project which was a bait boat for me to use when I go fishing.
Took it on the water for the first time today and was mainly a success but the problem I have is the turning circle. I am running twin props on a catameran style hull so thought that just powering one prop would give me a good turn but found quickly this is not the case.

I am thinking if I can install a reverse of some sort then by powering one forward and one back then I would get a better turning circle but don't know what part I need to do it. I am running twins props being powered by P60 motors and marine speed controllers. Also if anyone knows anywhere in the Birmingham area which holds a good stock as my local shop was really helpful but took over 2 weeks to get the props alone.
Any advice is appreciated as I was hoping to take this away with me on Friday so am running out of time.