This is one of those things that will go on and on, I personally do not subscribe the moon landing being a hoax or it being real, but with that said, the proponents of the hoax theory bring up very interesting, and very VALID points. Some of these questions have NEVER been adequately explained to any conclusive degree.
This young chap calls himself Jarrah White ( MoonFaker ). He's the best debater on this subject I've seen so far. His arguments and reasoning are thorough. Everything he says is sourced and documented. He has documents on everything, even from the 60's. He performs scientific experiments, when he can, to back up and illustrate his argument.Therefore, he doesn't just make arguments, he SHOWS you the scientific facts and results through experiments right in front of you, either by him, or by others.
If anyone cares to watch here's a link some FAQ's from his site - balance things up a bit here we have a site which allegedly has independent photo's for the Telescopic Tracking of the Apollo Lunar Missions of course the Wiki site on the " Hoax" questions and answers. by alleged photo's of the landing sites from various country's- So fact or fiction - you decide !