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Author Topic: Moon Landings ..... and any other urban conspiracies!  (Read 132349 times)


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Simply because it was one of the most expensive things the Americans have ever done.
Second, if they hadn’t landed, the Soviets would have kicked up a stink as radar would clearly shown that they hadn’t landed.
Nick B

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Illegitimi non carborundum!


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The Jodrell Bank radio telescope was used to track the Apollo landings and the trace has been shown for Apollo 11 that clearly shows the descent , ascent over the boulder field , the horizontal flight and landing

Had the US "faked" the landings then Soviet Russia would've been all over it and all those new photos from satellites around the moon showing the landers and tracks made by the astronauts and the later moon buggies wouldn't exist
Davie Tait,


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I still think it's made of cheese.  :D :D :D :D :D
Bintur Ellenbach


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I still think it's made of cheese.  :D :D :D :D :D

It is!  The Americans discovered that Moon Cheese or Caseus Lunaris, to give it's scientific name, is completely unsuitable to be made into a paste or put in an Aerosol.  It therefore has absolutely no commercial value in the USA and that's why NASA have never been back to the moon.  The samples returned to earth by the Apollo Missions were, in fact, fragment of the cheese rind.  As rind is unknown on American cheese it hasn't been recognised as such.
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I was visiting a friend of mine yesterday - a software consultant - a bright bloke. He is totally 100% convinced about faked moon landings, JFK assassination and 9/11 being controlled demolition.

It's fascinating the way he looks through all the published information for tiny human errors, transcription errors and spelling mistakes as PROOF!

He's beginning to scare me!

Colin Bishop

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Many people believe what they want to believe and therefore use selective evidence to support their views. Just because there are flaws an omissions in the 'official' explanation doesn't consequently mean that their alternative views are correct.



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as someone recently told me - if it was all true - do you really think Trump wouldnt have spilled the beans by now, I guess that means there are no Aliens too :-)


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as someone recently told me - if it was all true - do you really think Trump wouldnt have spilled the beans by now, I guess that means there are no Aliens too :-)
Actually No, when he became President and was told the truth about the cover up he would not say anything as he wants to make America Great again by telling everyone it was a hoax would not help.. sides just after he was told he was zapped by the memory wipe thing he would not have remembered anyway..


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as someone recently told me - if it was all true - do you really think Trump wouldnt have spilled the beans by now, I guess that means there are no Aliens too :-)

Maybe it was the aliens, and not the Russians who interfered in the election process. %)
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I was visiting a friend of mine yesterday ...he looks through all the published information for tiny human errors, transcription errors and spelling mistakes as PROOF!


At the same time ignoring all of the 'tiny human errors, transcription errors and spelling mistakes' in his new found proof; no doubt. %)  Perhaps the symptom of an underutilized intelligent brain.
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C'mon all you believers  :o :o :o

Let us say [the moon landings] happened,  if so why no more visits ??????????????????????????

They have returned to every where else??????


A bit like some of the Crossville buses in North Wales then, no more visits to our village  <:(
The only stupid question is the one I didn't ask


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Simply because it was one of the most expensive things the Americans have ever done.
Second, if they hadn’t landed, the Soviets would have kicked up a stink as radar would clearly shown that they hadn’t landed.

Nah they signed a secret pact to never disclose such, as they both were involved and both wanted to share space stations, craft, etc which actually happened.
Gunna build those other boats one day.


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The Jodrell Bank radio telescope was used to track the Apollo landings and the trace has been shown for Apollo 11 that clearly shows the descent , ascent over the boulder field , the horizontal flight and landing

Had the US "faked" the landings then Soviet Russia would've been all over it and all those new photos from satellites around the moon showing the landers and tracks made by the astronauts and the later moon buggies wouldn't exist

Nah the UK has  space 'deals' with the US so is complicit in the scam.
Gunna build those other boats one day.


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I was visiting a friend of mine yesterday - a software consultant - a bright bloke. He is totally 100% convinced about faked moon landings, JFK assassination and 9/11 being controlled demolition.

It's fascinating the way he looks through all the published information for tiny human errors, transcription errors and spelling mistakes as PROOF!

He's beginning to scare me!

No, some truth is emerging and we should not be naive enough to believe that the powers to be will not do what is considered best for the majority. There are none so blind as those that will not see. Look at all the examples of revelations from WWII and the 'lies' that were told to the public at the time for their good because they, the public, wouldn't have been able to handle the truth.
Having some construction knowledge/experience I too, like the building engineer, was amazed that the towers collapsed exactly as a controlled demolition of multi storey construction. It is incredible that the plane explosion was "perfect" and it penetrated exactly to the right point to create a perfect demolition. There is a lot more and we know reporters don't report news anymore it is all about selling newspapers.
Not to mention, fire stairs and fact that the design engineer is no longer alive.
Could go on but people chose to believe what they want irrespective of 'evidence' even if it proves them wrong.
Go on you tube and study controlled demolitions and then critically with an open mind review the collapse of the twin towers one collapse maybe but two??? and both identical.
Gunna build those other boats one day.


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Many people believe what they want to believe and therefore use selective evidence to support their views. Just because there are flaws an omissions in the 'official' explanation doesn't consequently mean that their alternative views are correct.


Agreed, however, there are now many, many, examples of wrong, deliberate, misleading 'official' explanations which have been revealed to be 'false' in the fullness of time.

 You have to consider if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, then it is a duck. AKA conspiracy.
Gunna build those other boats one day.


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Gunna build those other boats one day.


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Problem with all your theories it relies on thousands if not millions of people keeping quiet and we know that would be impossible as so many would talk especially those in power to belittle their predecessors and political opponents. Too many nations are involved also and the Russians and the Americans were barely on talking terms for a lot of the time so the chances that they would suddenly agree to cover up something that would only benefit the Americans is very very doubtful.
Nick B

Help! The penguins have stolen my sanity, and my hot water bottle!

Illegitimi non carborundum!


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Problem with all your theories it relies on thousands if not millions of people keeping quiet and we know that would be impossible as so many would talk especially those in power to belittle their predecessors and political opponents. Too many nations are involved also and the Russians and the Americans were barely on talking terms for a lot of the time so the chances that they would suddenly agree to cover up something that would only benefit the Americans is very very doubtful.

Mate, how do you know that? from experience or what has been fed to us via the media. We need to think for ourselves not blindly accept and be led like cattle.
Consider this, even today more revelations are being revealed about WWII and deals done between countries even Germany and Allies, being Russia, US, & Britain for political gain.
Keeping your mouth shut, about say a moon landing hoax, benefits you, as you know it is impossible and you do not need to expend time, money, resources or peoples lives to duplicate or even better it. Think Sputnik and Russia and the so called satellite race. So it is in your interest to shut up about it.
And yes, as said in the fullness of time the cover up, because that's what a conspiracy is, will eventually come to light as the "guardians" die off and access is obtained to classified records/data.
But to say such cover ups cannot, did or will not happen is to deny the existing evidence. Even in your own Parliament. Weapons of mass destruction. Yes some are outlandish and can be easily dismissed others are far more plausible and bear further investigation. Don't forget the release of hacked security emails/information, by Snowden and others. Pie in the sky, no, shocking facts that make you think twice about what is happening.
You can continue to debate the subject for and against, but at the end of the day you need an open mind and I am not convinced that they are all 'theories'.

Gunna build those other boats one day.


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Mate, how do you know that? from experience or what has been fed to us via the media. We need to think for ourselves not blindly accept and be led like cattle.
Consider this, even today more revelations are being revealed about WWII and deals done between countries even Germany and Allies, being Russia, US, & Britain for political gain.
Keeping your mouth shut, about say a moon landing hoax, benefits you, as you know it is impossible and you do not need to expend time, money, resources or peoples lives to duplicate or even better it. Think Sputnik and Russia and the so called satellite race. So it is in your interest to shut up about it.
And yes, as said in the fullness of time the cover up, because that's what a conspiracy is, will eventually come to light as the "guardians" die off and access is obtained to classified records/data.
But to say such cover ups cannot, did or will not happen is to deny the existing evidence. Even in your own Parliament. Weapons of mass destruction. Yes some are outlandish and can be easily dismissed others are far more plausible and bear further investigation. Don't forget the release of hacked security emails/information, by Snowden and others. Pie in the sky, no, shocking facts that make you think twice about what is happening.
You can continue to debate the subject for and against, but at the end of the day you need an open mind and I am not convinced that they are all 'theories'.

Good post..


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And the other side of the argument that how much evidence is put in front of a conspiracy theorist and will still not believe it!
Like the theory that the satellite race never happened- even you can tune a radio and track Sputnik across the sky, even 50 years after the event. Even the Americans at the time would have shouted at the Russians if they hadn’t achieved it. Two countries on the verge of nuclear Armageddon do not agree to cover things up like that- why would they?- what benefits would it gain them to lie about it?- none! Enemies do not back each other up regardless- each side would shout at the other calling them out. Enough countries who weren’t involved directly with the projects can see that far with radar equipment and would have said otherwise. You can’t silence all the experts and there would be enough ‘leaked’ information by now to back up any theories. The people who say that moon photos are fakes have been debunked on every piece of conspiracy theory. Yes there are strangeness to someone who doesn’t understand how things work- the biggest being the light being wrong- hence the theory that it was staged in a studio. It was later debunked because in all the photos show the shadows being perfectly parallel across the moon surface, this cannot be faked with the technology of the time as you can’t get perfectly parallel shadows from man made lights- it can only come from a light source approximately 93 million mile away such as a stellar object like the sun.
I agree there are things that can’t be explained or won’t be in the public interest to be revealed but to say that an engineering achievement hasn’t happened when there is so much proof to back it up from external sources and rivals is just clinging on to desperation to prove themselves to be correct even they haven’t worked in that industry.
I was accused the other month that the RAF was involved in the disappearance of flight MH134 and it was hiding the missing airliner in the USA! Now come on! Even that is far fetched considering we don’t even have aircraft out in that location to do anything to make an airliner disappear. I have worked in the aerospace industry as part of the RAF and I’ve seen stuff that people wouldn’t believe but nothing worth covering up!
Nick B

Help! The penguins have stolen my sanity, and my hot water bottle!

Illegitimi non carborundum!


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We've seen the recruiting ads.
'Join the RAF and repair/maintain
equipment that hasn't been invented
 8) 8) 8)


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Up Spirits  Stand fast the Holy Ghost.


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Or in my experience keep the old stuff flying for as long as possible! %% {-)

There’s a saying in the RAF:

We are the unwilling led by the unqualified
Doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful
We’ve spent so long now doing so much with so little
We can do anything with nothing!
Living the dream! :D
Nick B

Help! The penguins have stolen my sanity, and my hot water bottle!

Illegitimi non carborundum!

Bob K

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I have been reading this thread for some time, not being able to figure out whether everyone is having a laugh at the conspiracy theorists, with some acting serious devils advocate but with tongue in cheek, or do a few actually believe these crack pots?    The documentary channels are padded out with this stuff, mostly asserting "facts" almost laughable in their naivety. Many have made small fortunes from books on such subjects.  Good luck to them.  Flight 42 drags on and on, even after they found the wreckage miles off course. Triangle "experts" always omit to mention that.

Take Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code.  A cracking good read, and you get drawn along with the story.  But evidence?  Does not tally up, but congrats to Dan Brown - an excellent novel.  Then there was Chariot of the Gods, not as well written.  Then, the pyramids in Egypt must have been built by aliens as mere people could never accomplish anything like that.

It takes all sorts as they say.  People are still desperately looking for the Loch Ness monster, Big Foot, the Yeti, all made more fun by the fact it is almost impossible to prove something does not exist.

You could almost believe that Mayhem is written entirely by our moderators, gleaning build photos from the web.   You can believe anything you want.  I believe I will have a beer.
HMS Skirmisher (1905), HMS Amazon (1906), HMS K9 (1915), Type 212A (2002), HMS Polyphemus (1881), Descartes (1897), Iggle Piggle boat (CBBC), HMS Royal Marine (1943), HMS Marshall Soult, HMS Agincourt (1912)
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