Although this thread has sort of gravitated to an anti-union stance, I would like to put in another point of view.
It must be obvious to those who either know me or have read some of my postings that I am (and will remain) on the "right" of the political spectrum. Although I agreed with much of what the Thatcher government did, there was one thing that I found completely unacceptable and will never ever forgive them for. And that was designating some shipyards as builders of only warships, and others to build only "commercial" ships. This was interference in businesses that had no place whatsoever in government thinking. In the long term, it more than most of what the ubions were doing, dealt the death blow to British companies involved in the design and building of ships. Mind you, it certainly didn't help matters when only a few years ago one of the Labour MPs for Newcastle went public and said that no-one should never again order a ship to be built on the Tyne. Do people up here still vote for him, or has he got another "job"? BY.