Ok, I suppose you are all wondering as to what happened to the Magnum...you were wondering, weren't you? Of course you were...

The first water trials were an unmitigated disaster, I'm ashamed to say

The adhesive properties of council silicone sealant and Lesro styrene are non-existant, coupled with the heat from the motor, caused the top to separate from the hull, which wasn't part of the plan. Back to the drawing board, cap in hand...
I never could get on with the inner hull moulding, the motor sat too high, the motor mount was pretty useless and the whole thing just got in the way, so I took a craft knife to it, ran the blade around the top edge and removed the whole lot. Much better, much more room to fit a decent motor mount, the motor and the prop shaft sit a lot lower in the hull, the water cooling pipes fit better and the internal access is vastly improved. When it's completed I'll just use a flat styrene sheet taped down as a top cover.
The pic shows the new look Magnum with the motor sat in the hull awaiting the watercooled motor mount and the watercooling motor tube to arrive. I plan on using ten cells to run the boat, they will sit in two boxes made from styrene sheet and held down with velcro to allow them to be positioned to get the CofG right. The motor is a 'hot' Tamiya 540, the rudder is a cut down micro one from ebay and the watercooling pipes are alloy tubing.
That's how is it at the moment...