OK, I've finished the superstructure - one of the more time-consuming bits was to get it to sit flat on the deck due to those 1980-81 slight irregularities fitting the 6-piece deck!
The hull needs to be sanded down and repainted externally, which is the next task.
For the colour scheme I've decided on something inspired by this as it is something a bit interesting and different:
http://www.hslmouldings.co.uk/71ft_6in_mgb.htmI've also decided to put the rockets on the back as per the original design, so Steamboat Phil I will PM you to discuss!
What I need to do now is find some paints (preferably spray-cans) in a primer, gloss white, gloss teal green/blue, gloss black and satin naval grey. Vic Smeed's Slalome is a fictitious design so authenticity isn't really an issue. I want to use all the same brand of paint if possible to minimise compatibility issues.
I will peruse the relevant forum pages to have a look for ideas, but has anyone got any suggestions?
Now for the more difficult stuff I know little about: batteries and radio control gear. I have had an initial read of the intro pages on this forum which are very useful, and further research is needed. The motor fitted (type/model unknown) was powered by a motorcycle battery (voltage??), but things have moved on since then. I am simply looking at getting it on the water at this stage, so am interested in a reasonably basic, simple but robust set-up. The motor, gearbox, propshaft, prop and rudder are ready to go. It is just the RC gear and batteries I need to address. Any suggestions gratefully received.
What sort of lubrication would the gearbox/propshaft need? There is a bung on top of the gearbox that gives access to internal components, so it appears lubrication of some form is needed.