With all these cheap and not so cheap 2.4 Frequency radios about, and being bought, there has been a pleasant, for me, knock-on-effect. Our Group has 2 Regattas a year, in Cologne on the Race Course there. Usually attracts between 35 and 45 boats, with the attendant Frequency clashes and having to split the events into two or sometimes three Groups. But not this year. There are so many 2.4s in use that the 40 Band is virtually clear and we a can sail without any interference or Crystal clashes. Also there are some really good bargains to be had in the 40 Band Radio Market. For example, Conrad are offering a 40 FM Computer Set, 6 channels, Mixing, Servo throw control, Rates, Mode change,Model Memory, the lot. Last years price, 179 Euros, now 69. I need another set and this seems a better choice than a Budget priced 2.4. Maybe very wrong, but needs to be thought about........