I am a new member, and, it has been suggested I tell a bit about myself. That's something I never do.
I should say firstly that I know almost nil about boats, I just like them, and have not had time to indulge myself until now.
Well, I'm trying hard to find kits if possible, plans if not on Steam Driven, also if possible, electric if not, Chinese Junk, Mississippi Sternwheel Riverboat, and I have an Imara kit that just arrived. I'm getting bits and pieces together to be able to start. I would rather have everything I need at hand first. I was given a model aero powered Runabout, 630mm long x 210mm wide, when I was about 13 years old. That makes it very old indeed. I am trying to convert it to electric power, so, I will keep you posted on how I get on.
May I thank Roger for his warm welcome.