Just a comment, this is common all over, here in Germany, nearly as bad as in UK. A couple of weeks ago I was in Folkestone at the Trucks and Tracks Show. In a effort to encourage youngsters to take up the Hobby, Airfix donated several hundred simple kits plus paints and brushes and glue for the children. I was in charge, and the response was very good, there were soon 8 or 10 boys and girls, some with their parents, building away. Mostly Spitfires or Panther Tanks, but the Landing Craft got several builders as well. About 11.30 a man in a suit and tie, carrying a Brief case, walked up the steps , and without an introduction, demanded to know" Who is responsible for this Charade!" I replied that I was, and he once again demanded to know if I had Police Permission and was Autherised by the Council Childrens Protection Group to supervise young persons. I replied that being a Parent of 3 and a Grandparent of 7, gave me some insight to working with children, and also where was his Authority to challenge me. He opened his case and spluttered that his Official ID was in his Office, I then informed him I was Autherised by the German Kinder Schutzeverbund, and he was to leave the Show immediatly, which he did, protesting.He said he would return with an Official from the Council, but I knew that on a weekend there is never anyone there! He didn't return, but my complaint is, what was he trying to do? Ruin childrens enjoyment? Stop creative ideas? Just be a pain in the A............? The aggresive attack, the children were startled, and a couple got up and left. What a shame.
Was the idea a success? Well I had over a hundred, there over the two days, and Traders also said that childen had bought kits. Get them away from the PC maybe.Have to see next year if any enter the Junior Competition.