Kiwi96 I crew all my models to make them come to life even write the crew up in my build books for the location that they work at some of my favs are fore deck washing down the anchor chain working the capstan,crew attending to the life boats ,flag officer and signal flag crew,gun crew of course ,bridge nav crew of course,lookout up mast,my famous one infamous is one of the crew taking a leak over the side complete with fishing line leak as you do at sea,the aircraft on board have crew and crew helping to get it ready,always have a cook either on deck or in door way,even have a crew member coming up a deck hatch,I really like that frozen look in time won a model competion once for crew on deck over a most amazing model tug boat that was one of the best I have seen in 40 odd years of model boating.So add crew my 1/32 German Flower Class anti flak ship will have 80 odd crew shown post some photos of the crew placement tassie48.