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Author Topic: hallo new here  (Read 2773 times)


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hallo new here
« on: June 17, 2010, 09:35:45 am »


raf and I am living in Belgium
My language is Dutch so forgive my mistakes I will write in English
I'm building for over 35 years model submarines and am in possession of a piece or 14
my interest is to build boats and sail submarines
So if I have a club with some friends
from Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany.

B. MSA was founded in 2009
and we already count a number of 55 members
and sail on a beautiful location in Mol
 7 days a year
calendar is on line at the website and forum
participation in an event is free off charge
The idea is to promote model submarines in Belgium
there are many good boat builders in the Netherlands and Belgium
they actually have no good water to their favorite hobby to exercise


This is not advertising here and I hope the forum a lot to learn and knowledge to others

Greetings raf

Martin (Admin)

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Re: hallo new here
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 11:31:43 am »

Greeting Raf and welcome aboard the good ship Mayhem.   :-)

"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models


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Re: hallo new here
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 05:35:42 pm »

Hi Martin

I hope through this forum the possibility of even getting to travel to england
be able to participate in a meeting with my models
as stated in another post I own unconventional models
This month we have a two day meeting 19 to 20 June
I will try to post many pictures as possible so you get an impression of how it is at the club

Greetings raf


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Re: hallo new here
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 05:54:50 pm »

Raf, where are the "unconventional models please". If you come to the UK please try to come to the north also(Scotland)
..well can you land on this?


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Re: hallo new here
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2010, 07:09:07 pm »


a video taken at the lake
 my friend and i are building cheap submarines and Zea mammal's
here you can see my new shark

and an old type of ROV

this is the old one  we have now a new one that is  smaller and more stable than the blue one
at the end you Will see it 's picture

we don't have a video yet

the orka is build using The hull of an scooter type submarine you can see at one of the above movie's

you can see it pass by at 32 sec.
here is the blue version we have them in different colors

the are dynamic diving and these boats are even in shallow water still good to drive (+/- 40 cm)
ailerons method combined with dive rudders
and rudder (hydro drive Robbe key west or systems speed boat)
Speed 500 motor with 3 / 1 gearbox
7 cell battery pack 3.300 mAh sanyo gives a 45 minutes run time
two norbert bruggen  stabilizers (ltr 2)under a 45 ° angle
R700 reciever graupner
lexan lid that is screwed shut with 10 nuts

fun to navigate and and always an audience draw
even the divers found the animals a great attraction underwater
divers bullying is also a fun activity
these ladies were on the wrong side of the riser
 So I have them but what bothered although they could have to laugh

regards raf


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Re: hallo new here
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 07:25:52 pm »


some of my friends subs

three of my own
shark    ,  killer whale and an manta ray

an rov from armand
2 camera's ,one equipped with an SD card for recording the other with a cable and a screen on the surface

new rov from Marc
PVC toilet parts LOL
diving depth 5+ meters

and from some of the new subs i even have not yet taken pictures
i think that some of the subs are not been seeing frequentley at a subreggatta

regards raf


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Re: hallo new here
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 07:35:16 pm »

Thank you Raf.  You must come north to Loch Ness for the tourist season {-) %% :D {-) O0 {-)
..well can you land on this?


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Re: hallo new here
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2010, 07:59:44 pm »

some of the subs I had a lot to do building them
here you see two different versions of the water bob
the female is the bob type 1 and just behind is the type two (its a two seater)

this one is the type 0 its a handsome sub and cost prebuild 65 euro

this a image taken in Cologne germany of my orka
this was one of the first testdives i made Wit it
you see the adhesive withe the lead under the tail lol

now everything is build inside the sub

regards raf
and leave the nessy in the loch it belongs there
if nessy is gone it's just a loch like al the others
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