I started off retirement with SWMBO agreeing that I could create a 00 guage layout in one side of the attic; this has turned into a thirty two footer over the past two years with five scenic dioramas, one being a harbour! This will take me a lifetime but is great fun. On a limited budget, I fortunately envested in items from ebay before I retired when prices were rather cheaper!
My real passion is local history and I am a Volunteer with the Penlee House Gallery and Museum in Penzance where I have great fun working with the photos and organising or trying to our our photographic reearch group. It's through one of my friends there who gave me the 1930's Pond yacht hull that I got started in this hobby. I've loved boats and ships all my life and living with a view over Newlyn Harbour and Mouts Bay is a constant thrill and excitement!
I was very privileged to be brought up with my grandfather who lived with us and he was a fisherman all his life and loved the sea.
hey ho ........