The day dawned clear and bright, there is only so much talk you can talk, the time had get Ohio wet!
Meself and Mark, preparing to test float the model in our 'Giants Bath'.
With the unusual bottom profile there was the chance of air pockets. the model was initially bow light, resulting in a nose up attitude which trapped air in the bows. This was soon released by pushing the bows down and allowing the air to escape out of the stern ( I am somewhat of an expert on this manouever
"There, There, I wont let them nasty Display Team types hurt you......Thats my job!!
The model floated steady and stable, if a little bit 'light'. About 8lbs of lead was needed against the forward bulkhead of the centre section to level the model off. We ( I ) was in such a hurry when we plated the bows that no ballast was built in to the , now sealed, structure.
Pump running, these are 50 litre a minute pumps, so the waterline quickly reduced.
At half full, I was ready to disconnect the pump in case of disaster...
With the tank full I decided to keep pumping till it was overflowing, at this stage the model was still afloat
The first pump out was also uneventful, however, the discharge pipe will have to be redesigned, the Destroyers wont want that blasting across their decks!!
Next pump down with the control box fitted, this will need raising about an inch or so, it was starting to get its tootsies wet!
No drain hole fitted yet, so emptied through the bolt holes.
Cup of tea and post mortem
Well, that bit works