Think were missing a few points here on this topic, does anyone else not think that perhaps that there is more then one person to blame?
First off yup i agree with most, that this act of vandalism is pretty disgusting, but could it have been avoided in the first place? Of course.. why was the boat not locked up in this shed in the first place, leaving the boat exposed to such behaviour from some person(s)? that alone is bad enough that the RNLI was irresponsible in looking after its equipment in the first place!
Where's the CCTV camera in all this, given today's social behaviour it would be prudent to install even the basic of CCTV to at least get a shot of what happened instead of speculation and instant blame against the 'younger generation', don't tell me that public funded projects such as the RNLI can't afford CCTV, im sure that's part of there insurance policy agreement!
There seams to be a lot of speculation that the younger generation did this, most possibly but although i seriously doubt any one under the age of 16 would have caused such damage believe it or not the majority of youths are quite respectful, and to be honest if they lived close by you would think that maybe they know its importance and would dare not harm what could be a life saver to them or others they know.
Believe it or not im quite in favour of the drunk stupid adult who caused this trying to act the tough man or something utterly stupid.......
This mentality seams to show here on the forum as well given some of the comments posted, Ian made some valid points to which it seams some others lack of understanding or actual ability to read, once again has caused friction and drama in the forum , what frustrates me is that just before xmas there was such a nice post from people wishing you well Mr Dicky.... but yet some of your first posts back come with the attitude that there's a bee up your 'bottom'? for what, male dominance, king of the hill (forum) ??
As some one already said 'new year new start', lets not kick off the new year with hijacking posts to have personal digs at each other eh?
I've said my bit couldn't hold in it in any longer enough said!
Happy New Year All!!