"What do you still love?"
Wimmin, guitars, the aroma of glow-engine fuel, the aroma of a freshly-mowed lawn, the song of the Blackbird, oldie-timey Thames launches, the saucy dihedral on certain model planes, more wimmin, woodworking tools, metalworking tools, the glow/aroma of old-fashioned vacuum tubes, invisible electrons, talented musicians, female nurses, more guitars, decent curry, the Harley Davidson Roadster, any novel by Dean Koontz, Sainsbury's home-baked crusty rolls, Yorkshire/Wiltshire ham, Woodhenge, proper cider, El Sol, the folk who make ACTion's PCBs, all those 13-Amp power outlets in Tug--Kenny's shop, Morphine, maps, Bournemouth beach, the little cutie who works at the local library, the guitar 'bottleneck' given to me from FLJ, zero-point gravity theory, the mysterious Coral Castle (Miami), roast beef, peppers, Daddies sauce, English fry-ups, folk who spell "they're" as "their" or "there", SeaQueen, the sound of the Spitfire's Merlin engine, mint chocolate, the Scouser and Geordie accents, my sanctum sanctorum (El shed), more wimmin, more guitars, nobody nagging me to go to bed when I'm not tired... and Mayhem Forum.