I found this formula on an old Steam Model Book, and I wonder if it is right or a bit pessimistic as some 4 ft models are moved w/ 3cc. (in a quiet pond, no wind).
Formula is :
Length x Width x Heigth a
Length is over all length
Width is over all width
Height is from the water line daown to queal.
a is a coefficient which varies depending of the country.
England a = 3000 pour L = 75 cm Holland a = 4350 pour L= 75 cm
= 2800 = 90 = 4000 = 90
= 2700 = 100 = 3900 = 100
= 2500 = 120 = 3600 = 120
= 2300 = 140 = 3300 = 140
= 2100 = 150 = 3000 = 150
In France, we use the Dutch formula and we add 20%.
Ex , for a French hull: L= 100 cm B= 20 cm P = 10 cm ===>
100 x 20 x 10 = 5.1 cc + 20% = 6.1 cc
The difference of these coeficients is explaned by the shape of the hulls. Dutch hull would be a bit wider than British ones.
Conclusion : I would apply Dutch formula for a Tug , British one for a launch, and French one for a classic
What do you think??
Thanks for your helpl!