Mayhem at Wicksteed - May 24 25
berfore you get a desk..have you thought of the Black and Decker work mate with the closing jaws......i've used one since i was bought it as a wedding present in 1987 and it is far far more usefull than any desk could ever have been........multi uses, you can clamp a board on it for flat working, you can use it as a vice, you can clamp your boat to it, a million and one uses, and when you need the space you can fold it up and stow it away I do all my building on my present i was ever pots pans and towels any day neil.
Keep the Black and Decker Neil, I'll carry on with my ironing board.
I have to make do with an old double school desk, circa 1950's, in my bedroom. The basic power tools...a cordless drill/screwdriver and a soldering iron...that's my lot. No more workshop, no more 3 sheds, no more garage...just my old school desk.