Hi Subculture, Yes you would be right in saying if TX Ariel is in the water and RX Ariel was inside a air tight box or water tight compartment it would have to go through a change from water to air which would be a large attenuation but as my RX Ariels are in the water in free flood area this is not a problem for me, one of the things i should say my RX Ariel for low frequency the antenna automatically tunes itself to the medium it is in and part of this circuit is linked to AGC which is auto gain controll. Plus all this circuitry is solid state no moving parts, just say you was using 1.8MHZ to transmit into air it would be 164meters long which is one big antenna on the ham bands it would be called 160 meters but if you put this Ariel in water it would become many times smaller which makes it quite easy to get in to a small place and is ideal for fitting inside of subs, when i have finished playing about with video link for under water and if i get it working the way i won't it to. I will then get back on designing some sonic link for under water but as you know yourself it all takes time