Thank goodness I have found this forum, because I am going to need more help as I proceed with the construction of a Billings Calypso near Bristol (purchased mail order in Austria from Schweighofer).
Not my first model boat. That was a Graupner Elke 30 years ago, followed 10 years ago by a small (non-floating) wooden dutch shrimping boat of about 1900. Last, was a small RAF Air Sea Rescue Launch.
I am not much of a model maker, but anything is better than television.
I have already found Don's thread on building the Calypso of great value (I did a Google search for 'build Billings Calypso'), so I reckoned it would be a good idea to join this forum and pick your collective brains, for which I thank you in advance.
Unfortunately, our local Church had the lead stolen from the roof (not by me) so I must now look elsewhere for 6-7 lb of Pb.