Hi all, I was working out average electricity cost and it comes out at about 13p per kilowatt per hour.
I use a 2 KW convector heater from 1963 (wedding present) and I made a separate thermostat control from bits and added in a crouzet hour counter. All bits from the spares box. It has worked for the last 18 years almost to the day. Completed and occupied on Christmas eve 1993.
Has been moved once to current abode in 2004.
The hour counter is at 4721 hours so multiplied by the 2KW heater this comes to 9442 KW hours @ 13p per KW hour (todays prices) totals £1227 divide by 18 years = £68 per year for heating.
Workshop is 12' x 8' x 8' to apex of roof. Half inch thick wood cladding and roof floor boards that can be walked on. Roof also insulated with a Hardboard covering painted white to reflect light downwards.
Inside, take off 2 inches per side, all surfaces are insulated with 1 1/2 inch thick insulating material and then clad, the several windows are all double glazed (surprisingly cheap).
I don't know how much time I have actually spent in the workshop, but maybe a guess at 1000 hours per year would be about right.
On reflection judging from my output a lot of that must have been thinking time! This is the first time I have worked this out!
regards Roy