Hi, I know what you mean about the hairs

I only did a little with steam and the then Chief instructing me said "you don't want to touch this!" as HE put his hand on it and removed most of the skin... I used to hate purging the winches and getting him complain I had dumped too much ? then not enough ? but when we went ashore and fired up his plough horses and traction engine I loved every minute Oh apart from setting the plough wires up

and carrying the coal yes black smelly slime covered real coal
Eggs bacon sausages done on the shovel were the best and tea Mmmmmmm
Norman said "the kettles on all the time lad so never ask just make the tea"
Just sat through some emotions here happy memories of those times and sadness to know that Norman and his steamers are all gone. No children no will now nothing left.
R, Keep up the great work.