I had separate insurance companies for my car and house.
After a few years, the house insurance man sent a prospectus for new, higher rates.
However, he said that I could keep my old rates if I moved my car insurance to their company.
I mulled this over in my small brain, and rang him up.
I said, "So if I move my auto insurance to your company I get the cheaper rate?"
He confirmed that statement, and I then asked, "But if I don't move the auto insurance you'll raise my rates?"
He confirmed that statement also. I then said to him,
"That's Blackmail!!!"He stammered for a moment, then said "No, we always provide cheaper rates for bundled insurance".
I argued that there was no reason to raise the insurance premiums other than that his company didn't insure my car, and
that he and his company were threating to raise the premiums unless I moved my car insurance.
Not moving the car insurance had the direct penalty of being charged additional fees and that is blackmail.
He was completely flustered at that point, and a bit angry at being called a blackmailer.
I moved my house insurance over to my automobile insurance company, and maintained the same rate...
Of course that meant I bundleded my insurance...

I didn't insure my pets,... couldn't afford it, and over the past few years have had to put both down.
Both times it was a huge emotional hit to have to lose the animal. But the cost of extending their lives
was as much blackmail as the house and car debockle. They play on your emotions to make a profit.
I think I will stick to feeding the birds and squirrels for a while.