I collect the RNLI Lapel Badges,that are on sale at most Station shops,at the just increased price of £2.75. My ambition,is to get one badge from each of the Stations round the UK,some 200 plus, and I now have 107. These badge types are regularly to be found on E Bay,and what I cannot understand is the price some people will pay-- 0ne sold today for £19.50 + £1 p&p !!! I get annoyed at the sellers,who OK pay the £2.75 to the RNLI for the badge,and then sell it for such a vast profit,and I bet the majority wont give a donation to such a worthwhile cause.
I for one refuse to pay such exhorbitant prices,I dont mind paying a little over the odds, but this kind of profit is just wrong.To me it is the same as someone selling a model that has been bought or given as part payment,and quadrupling the price paid.I also realise that it is the buyers choice to pay what they like,but why cant they just contact someone at the station shop and request one to be sent upon payment of a cheque and postage,and hopefully an extra little bit as a contribution?
Gripe now over! Happy modelling!