Why didn't somebody tell me
I left one of the mahogany strips out when I finished the deck
Well, I'll cover it with a crate or something because I can't fix it...
Well Nick... as I think I mentioned before, the engine/boiler/fuel tank/condenser setup has me somewhat intimidated. I thought I would get the floor in then see how everything fit. I know I need to get the major parts located and worry about plumbing them later. I haven't found a mounting plate yet either. I have a source for brass sheets but I don't have the tools to turn the edges up satisfactorily. I may seek out a metal fabricator locally and see what they can do.
Today I plan on planking the forward portion of the floor. This time I hope to put ALL the mahogany in the right place
..... Also, should I plank over the 'knockout" for the motor or just plank around it?
The area inside the red box is the motor knockout.