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Author Topic: Painting/Filler Advice  (Read 23263 times)


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Painting/Filler Advice
« on: September 03, 2012, 10:07:12 pm »

Painting a model how do we do that .....follow this simple article and you will not go far wrong

Go out and buy yourself form a paint factor some PANEL WIPE this is for degreasing your model it is far better than Fairy liquid that some will say
Use this between EVERY stage of painting.It will get rid of your greasy hand prints
Also go out and buy some Tack rags  These are used to get rid of all the dust on your model prior to painting

Buy some DA disc off Ebay or a decent paint supplier far superior than Wet/Dry paper
Get some Red Scotch Brite for rubbing down a hull prior to undercoating....Proving NO filler is required
Get some Grey Scotch bite........ideal for NOT losing detail like rivets on a plastic hull or Grp


 What is there to use,what is really simple and fast to rub down,what doesn't give you pinholes

Isopon P40.....................Brilliant for fixing in shafts,deck beams etc is a Glassfibre Paste

Top Stop...Red topped can or Gold..........A very easy product to sand down even in 12mnths time doesn't pin hole
Easy Light .............................................Same as above nothing to choose between them

Degrease model prior to filling
rough up where the filler is to be applied and then degrease and tack rag

Rubbing down filler 

80 Grit Wet/dry used DRY or better still Buy yourself some DA discs Velcro type...........................YES initially expensive but just give them a shake and they bounce back
Degrease tack rag
Give it a very thin guide coat of satin or Matt black....WHY.....this will show you all your imperfections when you re rub it down with 180 grit
Re do above as is

Degrease and tack rag
Prime with grey primer
Matt black it
Rub down DRY with 600 Grit paper DRY
If you have gone through then repeat as many times as you have to to give a blemish free surface remembering to degrease and tack rag
Paint with top coat to finish colour minimum 3 coats
Rub down with 1500 WET/DRY ......WET this time
Give another 3 coats of finish colour.

One way of rubbbing down a hull is with the SCOTCH BRITE pads as I have suggested you ALL go out and buy
You can use this product DRY or even WET but NOT with Water but use it with your PANEL wipe this will NOT only degrease it but prep it for primer also,one way of CHEATING especially if it is a plastic kit is to simply rub with red ScotchBrite primer guide coat then rub down with grey Scothbrite WE use this in the trade daily to prep areas that are just to be lacquered

Right I now hear you ask why DRY flatting all the time YES I do fully realise it creates dust I should know as I sweep the floor daily !!!!!!!!! Well dry rubbing is far superior regardless of who tells you otherwise......WHY ..........well every type of Primer is porous and it is nigh on impossible to eradicate moisture in any substrate unless you have a professional spray booth thats WHY

I do fully realise others will come on here and say well it works for them BUT you are not them are you my fellow boat builders...Reason i have written this is so so simple as many of you will you have PMed me with Questions....NOT that I mind in the least

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