Are some proprietors of model shops dreaming when they think that they can open when they like.
One notable one went bust in Blackpool when after years of faithfull trading by the father, the son took over and opened when he fancied .Wham bam thankyou mam...all the goodwill and hard work of past years went out the window with the business and the stock!!!
Two weeks ago I "bought" some glues, brass and timber from a local shop, only to find I'd lost my debit card when I went to pay......asking "what time do you shut"......"5.00pm" was the answer.........I went back at 2.00pm to find a note on the door saying they had popped out and would be back at 2.30....went back at 2.30pm to find still shut....picked the kids up at 3.00pm and went back.......still shut..............went back the nexrt day at 11.00am to find note gone, but shop shut...........
ordered glue and timber on line..........delivered next day.
went this morning to yet another new model shop in a market town between Poulton and Preston that had been notified in my monthly e-letter from my model boat club............opening time 10.00am......still firmly shut at 10.15am............
do these people really not understand that we the punters WILL use the internet rather than waste petroll if these people don't open on time and give the service they advertise.............
we all complain that the internet is kerknaackering high street shops..........but if those places at least opened on time.......we would not be frustrated and go to the internet for the goods and wouldn't waste inordinate time and petrol doing so.
In the end I made a 50 mile round trip to Lancaster and bought them from the model shop there......

no one can accuse me of not trying to use my local shop to keep them open......but it beggars belief that when you hear of shops like Currys/dixons, Blockbusters, HMV and others that can't make it pay when they are open all the hell can a small model shop do so when they don't even open on time and treat their own business as a hobby.
get a grip you guys in small model HAVE TO open on time and at times to be of convenience to the shopper, NOT WHEN YOU WANT TO!
Rant over!!