Right guys, as some of you know I do static sunken models, planes with mini subs,WWII subs, ship etc as well as sail my RC boats. I get enjoyment out of them and they help me with disability in keeping my hands active. However, a guy that saw my models was very rude...he actually said: "What the **** are they?" "They are the biggest load of **** that I have ever seen" I replied that I was sorry that he didn't like them but for me, I enjoyed making something different from the norm as nobody really makes sunken vessels etc. I told him that I did sunken vessels due to my disability as, for me, it is easier to make than try and do really nice looking model that is too fiddly. He then replied, "Well, I figured you had to have something wrong with you to make **** like that."
This is a tad upsetting but I figured the guy was just a dick...although I have started to doubt myself over my sunken wrecks...maybe they are ****.