Heres a run down of the build of my fairmile D. The hull is a Kingston moulding , propshafts are from G sitec and the props are 38mm raboesh. Power is from 4 Johnson 600, 12v motors though 2 viper 40 esc that have been linked to the rudders via a mixer for better turning. Guns and some of the other fittings, ie torpedo tubes,turrets etc, are battlecraft items, bought to save time on the build. The superstructure is 2mm plasticard, also the oerlicon mount. All the guns rotate 180 degrees except the turret guns which move 90 degrees, The port holes and nav lights all light up. There is a working smokescreen unit at the stern and working depth charges which fire out and detonate . Main power is from 2 7.4v 11amp nimh packs. There are 4 different sound units operated by the right tx stick, through 2 mini servos and 4 micro switches. Ships siren, machine guns, anti aircraft gun, and 6 pound gun , they use 4 mylar speakers in the superstructure and sound pretty good.