I was testing the RC gear in my tug build today, and thought much I take the RC components for granted these days, I use a Saturn 6 TX for all my ships bonded to each Rx, except for my tug which I kept to a simple two channel, so decided to get a new RC for her, it's a Etronix Pulse 30 pounds worth of magic, even has digital trims, then I got to thinking of my earlier days in RC models and how the RC gear was in those days my very first decent boat was in 1969, a Graupner yacht kit, and if I say so myself she was a beauty but the RC gear was a different story It was a McGregor one stick and one button, an aluminium box run by a 9 volt toffee battery that lasted all of four hours, the button could be used to move the sail in increments in and then out, and boy was it glitchy,
What was your early RC gear like?