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Author Topic: Oh Fun, Oh Joy.  (Read 1820 times)


  • Full Mayhemer
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Oh Fun, Oh Joy.
« on: December 04, 2014, 11:21:38 am »

Normally it is so drry here in Spain that even digging the smallest hole in the garden for a plant say, means you have to resort to a pickaxe to loosen it, a shovel or spade just won't touch it. But we have had rain-lots and lots of rain, so much of the ground is quite sodden and very soft.

So today the water bowser turns up to put the first 20.000litres of 60.000 back into our pool, where in another topic I mentioned I'd left the drain valve open  :embarrassed: He drives off the gravelled part of the garden and on to the soft stuff to reach the pool and promptly gets bogged down up to his axle at the back! So he connects the pipe to offload some water into the pool to lighten the load. Trouble is the pool is higher than the most of the truck, its built on a terraced plot of land see. So out comes about 5000 litres and then he has to waste the rest onto the garden-making it even boggier %%

The truck body lifts about a 1ft without the weight on which means his rear bumber bar is now clear of the ground, we fill the holes with gravel and rock and managed to free the rear end. Now any one else would stop the truck at that and back fill the holes, but no, he continues, drops the front axle into the holes made by the rear wheels, and the front is no bogged down %% eventually with the aid of a local farmer with a JCB and steel towing cable they got it out.

At least I got 5000 litres of water for free and a churned up garden %) he said to call him again next week if there is no more rainfall ;D


  • Full Mayhemer
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  • K-157 Vepr. Akula-11
  • Location: Eastbourne, Sussex, UK
Re: Oh Fun, Oh Joy.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2014, 12:23:12 pm »

Obviously a council driver...we had loads of drivers like that where I worked.


K-157 Vepr. Akula-II (project 971U)

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  • Full Mayhemer
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  • Location: Hull,UK-but currently residing in Los Martinez, Spain.
Re: Oh Fun, Oh Joy.
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2014, 01:16:30 pm »

Nope not council  Rich. Self employed. They pick up the water at a price from the nearest pumping station and deliver to whoever needs it at a markup price. This is the way many get their water here in the countryside, they have underground storage tanks and get them filled a couple times of year, 60 euro for 10 thousand litres.

We are lucky in that our house has piped water, but as its pumped uphill from the village half a mile away, the waterflow is not good enough to fill a pool, we have a 300 litre storage tank and it takes best part of an hour for the piped water to fill it. So any major water needs are done by the local 'entreprenur' with a tanker.

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