Well folks,
I am back after serving my penal sentence of 30 days in Jankers, and am actually amazed at the amount of building work I have done on the model and housework I have too, lol.
Never knew how time consuming writing a build log was, and can now understand why some eminent members only ever post to contradict others,and don't get down to building anything themselves. Lol
With this in mind, this post will be the last on this thread that I will make as it would take me too long to write the catch ups from where I left off, to where I am now. However should anyone wish to read what has been done to the model in the last 30 days, then they can go to here.....
And here.....
And if they have anything they wish to ask me, they can either email or PM me on here or ask on the other two forums.
I am now going to slide into a life of obscurity.
However, I would just like to tell you all a little story and happening in my life, that happened a few years ago and which until now only very few of my closest friends have known.
I had written a good number of articles, both as reviews and freelance of scratch build models for model boating magazines, when an editor of one of them, rang me up one day and asked if it was true that I was out of work and looking for something different.It was also after I had helped Frank Hinchliffe develop and design his first 3 model kits for Mountfleet Models.
The answer of yes, prompted him to tell me that as yet not known in public circles he was going to retire within a period of time, and wondered, because of my style of writing, and my educated background and considerable knowledge of model boating, yachting ( because of where I lived in Fleetwood) and other such matters, whether I would like to be the next editor. of the magazine. I sadly had to decline as I told him that Hemmell Heampstead where the magazine was based at the time, was far too far from Fleetwood and I couldn't even consider re locating. Also I had never had anything in the way of editorial skills nor computer skills to do such a job.
He told me that he would be my mentor until and after his retirement, and it was a changing world in which I would probably be able to live at home and commute just once a week or fortnight to the "office".
Sadly at the time and my family circumstances I didn't feel brave enough to take the plunge into uncertainty and declined his offer.
I now think back and in hind site wonder where both I and others would be today, had I not taken that fresh leap into the unknown. I wonder for others what it feels like to know that they were second choice.
So the purpose of this little but true tale is.......If you get the chance to do something new, out of your comfort zone and completely alien to you,......TAKE IT...........you don't know how it will turn out and how you can influence your own and other's lives that you come into contact with along life's highway.
And finally I would just like you to ponder over a collection of 3 quotes that I have had in my mind for years after a debacle I had with some church goers once, many years ago.............
“Those who plead their cause in the absence of an opponent can invent to their heart's content, can pontificate without taking into account the opposite point of view and keep the best arguments for themselves, for aggressors are always quick to attack those who have no means of defence.”
― Christine de Pizan
And this one from Noel Coward......
“It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.”
― Noël Coward
"A man cannot make comment to influence others if he has not firstly made sure his own life is in order and beyond scrutiny."
- Anon
All three of these quotes remind me of a word called Hypocrisy!
Happy modelling folks............I will be around occasionally.
And thanks for the support I have received from my friends on here.........you ALL know who you are.
TOPIC THREAD NOW CLOSED as far as I am concerned!