There's been so much happening on the home front that there has been no time for modelling work.
Well, I managed to get access to my workshop this evening so, carrying on where we left off...
The lower hull paint job came out ok so attention now turned to masking off for the upper half.
Because of the way the boat was put back together, I've given myself the devil of a job with regards to the masking.
First, the lower hull was masked at the waterline - that was straight forward enough, although I did have to remove the previously installed anchors. This was due to the waterline cutting through the lower portion of the anchor ports.
Next, all the entry/exit ports in the bulwarks were masked from the inside.
Then the outer exposed portions of the bulwark supports needed masking. This was then followed by taping up between the supports, from inside, to the deck edges.
After that, it was a case of running tape between the supports again, to mask off from deck level to cover between deck and spurnwater cut-outs in the bulwarks.
This was followed by taping off, on the inside, the whole of the bulwarks installation.
Finally, the whole of the main deck was paper & tape covered, ready for spraying.
This update has been a bit long winded but, hopefully, it will help others who may be in a similar situation.
Some photo's....