But of course it's a boat for a poser! To suggest anything else is missing the whole point of it.
First off, the speed limit on the Thames above Teddington is 5mph (8 kph) so there's little point in having a huge engine unless you have a big blunt boat that needs a lot of shoving. This one clearly doesn't.
Next, you wouldn't want to pay out all that dosh for 35 coats of varnish, the finest woods available, an eye-watering price for a real figurehead casting and the company of a Beatle-person on your champagne-fuelled jaunts - and then flash past everybody on the bank at warp speed. Like the man says, all he wants to hear are the birds and the river.
I too think there may be a few errors in the technical aspects of the text, but to insult the bloke by suggesting that this is not a supreme example of showing-off his wealth is crass.
He's got it. He's earned it. Good luck to him.
I wouldn't turn down a cruise up the Thames in it, even at walking speed; would you? I might even dig out my straw boater!
(Posted before I saw Ned's reply. That makes two of us anyway! Point of info: 4.2kW = 5.6BHP)