Thanks for the replies, and sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
I have now got new Saturn 4chl and got one viper working. But could now pair the old rx to the new tx.Visited model shop and they don't know the tx make, but said some model won't talk to other rx, so I have accepted this and move on.
Trying out the ship on the pool I found that on turning the ship,she nearly rolls over, so ballast was increased and then stabilisers still did respond very well. I think I will have redesign hull perhaps stick a new narrow bottom.
I used the "balsa box method" which I read about in a magazine, except I didnt take in the piece about attention to the weight etc, and I also didn't construct a keel, so the hull is basically a box, just like a WW2 landing craft. Not very clever !! Oh well we live and this space. Thanks guys. Pete