With the latest software upgrade Apple included a smart (nefarious?) bit of code. Now this won't affect you if you phone has never been damaged or repaired, however -
Every part of an iPhone carries a serial number embedded within it. The latest software release checks all of these codes before turning on and allowing use of the phone, in reality you don't even notice the delay as it is micro seconds. But if it doesn't find the serial number for a part of the phone then it disables it and prevents use.
Now this is the naughty bit.... You ring Apple to say the phone won't switch on and after a few seconds they ask if you have had it repaired, when you answer 'yes' they want to know where it was repaired. Anywhere other than an authorised Apple dealer and they refuse to turn the phone back on!
So not only are they taking your money for the phone purchase and of course cloud storage and itunes and all the rest. They are now dictating how you have YOUR property repaired. For instance a screen replacement can cost you £35 at an independent dealer, but at the Apple shop the screen replacement will cost you £120
They've got you by the short and curly's you give them the money or you can't use your own property.
Microsoft is moving in the same direction with V10, although for years the small print on windows from 98 onwards has always said that you have paid microsoft X amount for the windows version, but it remains their property at all times and they reserve the right to withdraw it without reimbursement!