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Author Topic: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.  (Read 9180 times)


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Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:30:49 am »

With the latest software upgrade Apple included a smart (nefarious?) bit of code. Now this won't affect you if you phone has never been damaged or repaired, however - 

Every part of an iPhone carries a serial number embedded within it. The latest software release checks all of these codes before turning on and allowing use of the phone, in reality you don't even notice the delay as it is micro seconds. But if it doesn't find the serial number for a part of the phone then it disables it and prevents use.

Now this is the naughty bit.... You ring Apple to say the phone won't switch on and after a few seconds they ask if you have had it repaired, when you answer 'yes' they want to know where it was repaired. Anywhere other than an authorised Apple dealer and they refuse to turn the phone back on!

So not only are they taking your money for the phone purchase and of course cloud storage and itunes and all the rest. They are now dictating how you have YOUR property repaired. For instance a screen replacement can cost you £35 at an independent dealer, but at the Apple shop the screen replacement will cost you £120 :o

They've got you by the short and curly's you give them the money or you can't use your own property.

Microsoft is moving in the same direction with V10, although for years the small print on windows from 98 onwards has always said that you have paid microsoft X amount for the windows version, but it remains their property at all times and they reserve the right to withdraw it without reimbursement!


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 08:00:27 am »

Solution is simple, "Don't buy/rent the product".

Because if you do, you have "contracted" to their, Apple, Microsoft, et all, terms and conditions.

You can't go back and undo the contract.

Buyer beware.
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 08:10:04 am »

Where did you read that?
I have repaired my iPhone with several non genuine parts and am updated to the latest version with no issues.
It wouldn't surprise me tho.
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 09:56:01 am »

It has apparently been fixed:



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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2016, 11:14:49 am »

It seems to me that Apple are rapidly achieving the same level of trustworthiness as financial advisers, hedge-fund managers and politicians. They have left the usual suspects (used car salesmen, estate agents and divorce solicitors) lying dead in the dust behind them. Their behaviour towards their customers is as arrogant as their pricing. I simply don't understand the Gadarene rush to buy every "new" version of their vastly over-rated and over-priced phones at the stroke of midnight on release date.

If a fool and his money are that easily parted I wonder how the hell they ever got together in the first place?

(Sent from my crummy old immobile HP desktop)



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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 12:12:18 pm »


As far as I am concerned they achieved that a very long time ago. Everyone complains about Microsoft's "restrictive" policies. just think what it would be like if the only choice was Apple. At least you can put Windows on any hardware you like - even build it yourself.



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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2016, 04:20:28 pm »

broken the screen on my works I phone 6 . Independent deal quoted me 90 pounds to fix ,Ebay was 70 for the screen and it was 70 pounds to get it fixed at the Apple store . No brainier used the Apple store and was fitted with genuine parts



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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2016, 04:36:04 pm »

I have pretty much the cheapest most generic LG phone I could find, I am a bit of neanderthal when it comes to phones, as in I use them to call people so don't feel the need for all the extra abilities available. That being said I just rebuilt my desktop with a new motherboard, APU and hard drive, goes like the clappers now.
My kids seem to need to have the latest Apple phone, my daughter even went so far as to sell her "old" iphone, it was only 2 weeks old, because the newer one came in white.
It would seem that old luddites like me are disappearing, I must admit I do need to have the fastest I can afford on my desktop, but phones, meh, they are for phone calls.
What do you mean 1:1 is not a model?


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2016, 12:26:50 am »


I am astounded and don't know what to say. :o :o :o
Let me see if I have understood you correctly, you use a mobile phone to make phone calls.
That's brilliant, but best to keep it secret, else everyone else will get into the act. {-) {-) {-) O0 O0 O0

Me I don't have a mobile, you know radiation  and all that.
In a past life I had a job installing, actually supervising, the construction and installation of mobile base stations.
They were analogue then, but no engineer would get within 1 metre of any of the antennas, not worth it.
There is enough radiation and micro waves out there without concentrating them to your brain.
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2016, 01:39:16 am »

 Another fully signed up Luddite here :-)) , my rarely used payg mobile is an old Motorola flip probably at least 12 years old with lovely bold easy to see numbers display, and I'll keep it as long as the battery remains useable. I've only ever sent one text and that was to stop them all, it's a phone for speaking with! Oh, I do use it as an alarm clock on the rare occasions that I need one.



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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2016, 01:51:54 am »

Error 53 only affected phones that were repaired by non-Apple repair shop.
Back street repair shops are more risky. I won't use them as it often ends up costing you a lot of time dealing with overenthusiastic amateurs. Sometimes it can cause additional problems.

Having used dumb phones for years, I got a smart phone.
I used to think Apple was over hyped. I had Android devices, and spent a lot of time updating. This could be a real pain in the butt. Also several apps needed tweaking, fine if you love searching user blogs looking for the solutions and then updating. Sometimes no app is the same for two phone makers. Also many versions of Andriod. AARRGGH! The main advantage to me was the perception that there were more free apps for Android.
Apple does most of this stuff for you. It really is much more a switch on and forget it. There are plenty of free apps, admittedly not as many as Android.

If, like me, you like to just switch stuff on and it works Apple is a no-brainer.
If you are budget concious AND tech savvy, Android is the way to go.
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2016, 11:00:21 am »

I use Apple cos it lets me. Main failing however, common to all phones, is no app for lighting cigars or shaver and hair trimmer. Come on techies, what about a Swiss Army Phone. Shake a leg!!


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2016, 11:37:37 am »

I use Apple cos it lets me. Main failing however, common to all phones, is no app for lighting cigars or shaver and hair trimmer. Come on techies, what about a Swiss Army Phone. Shake a leg!!


Reminds me of this ad
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2016, 12:07:08 pm »

I rest my case.


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2016, 01:13:30 pm »

I use Apple cos it lets me. Main failing however, common to all phones, is no app for lighting cigars or shaver and hair trimmer. Come on techies, what about a Swiss Army Phone. Shake a leg!!
Close :lol:
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2016, 01:54:02 pm »

This is an extract from a forum on Spiceworks, which is where the cream of the world's IT hyper-tecchies go to find things out and engage in 'frivolous and slightly contemptuous banter' with each other. It compares our very own Welsh Web Wizard Huw's experiences when changing all contents and accounts over from one phone to another. He compares Samsung, HTC and Apple. "The user" in this case was an employee of the company for which Huw is the Network Manager.
 Samsung to Samsung
Install Samsung Smart Switch on both handsets.  Run it on both handsets..  Set the old phone as the source and the new one as the destination.

Install the HTC Transfer wizard on both handsets.  Run it on both handsets..  Set the old phone as the source and the new one as the destination.

iPhone to iPhone
Backup old phone using iTunes.
 Wait for message about needing the AppleID to backup apps.  Ring user and ask for the password as the one they've given you doesn't work.
 Wait for user to tell you that in that case they can't remember the password.  Tell them how to reset their AppleID.
 Wait for user to ring back with new password
 Backup old phone using iTunes.
 Connect new phone and restore using iTunes.  Wait for errror message informing you that there's an iOS version mismatch,
 Upgrade phones to same version of iOS.
 Backup old phone using iTunes.
 Connect new phone and restore using iTunes.  Wait for  message asking you for the encryption password. Ring user and ask for the password as the one they've given you doesn't work.
 Wait for user to tell you that in that case they can't remember the password. 
 Download password recovery software.  Wait for a long while.
 Wait for user to ring back and say "I think it might be $THING"
 Retry restoring backup to new phone using $THING.
 Wait for message telling you that the restore cannot be done as FindMyiPhone is on, even though it was off before you started all these shenanigans.
 Turn off FindMyiPhone.
 Restore backup to phone.
 Head to pub and cry into your beer.

(My guess is that Apple don't yet have a phone-to-phone transfer wizard. APPalling!)


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2016, 02:12:38 pm »

When I buy a new iPhone the shop does the changeover very quickly. The last iPhone I sold on eBay as on O2. The buyer rang me to ask how he could change it to Vodaphone.


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2016, 02:32:51 pm »

i came off apple 2 years ago i been happy bunny since on android,   now got sony phone as my last one was samsung   

apple want you to use the phone how they want you to use the phone

android want you yo use the phone how you want to use the phone


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2016, 08:40:27 pm »

  So in summary,

  An Apple a day
  keep the Doctor away
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2016, 10:37:22 pm »

SWMBO kept on and on to me you need to get an iPhone !! Don't rate it at all wouldn't have another!! People say I can't live without my iPhone  %) %) much prefer to sit in the shed with out it  :-)) :-))
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2016, 02:29:59 am »

A smart phone's (any variety) strength is when social networking. If you don't do that, then you are limited.

What do you use yours for???

I use mine for:
- checking email when out, useful if you are doing a bit of business.
- playing games when I have time to kill.
- listening to music in the kitchen - I can listen to the radio app, or music files, via Bluetooth speaker system.
- surfing the web to check the news and some forums. Rarely for researching stuff as the screen is too small. Not for Mayhem as it is not formatted for phones.

I don't use it for:
- reading books/mags (too small and iPad would be better)
- watching video
- social networking sites - huge time thieves.

If it was not for the email I would do what many people are opting to do now.
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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2016, 07:36:29 am »

Strangely enough I use my smart phone for making phone calls %) I never text, I never listen to music or any other of a 1000 things they can do.

It's a phone, that is all I require of it.


Both EE and O2 have altered their terms and conditions. Anyone who now includes any imagery and that means emoticons etc now has their text message (SMS) turned into a MMS message. A MMS message carries a tarriff up to 10 times greater than  a text message. So if your bills are unexpectedly high this could be the reason!

Go into settings and turn off MMS messaging.


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2016, 08:08:34 am »


Both EE and O2 have altered their terms and conditions. Anyone who now includes any imagery and that means emoticons etc now has their text message (SMS) turned into a MMS message. A MMS message carries a tarriff up to 10 times greater than  a text message. So if your bills are unexpectedly high this could be the reason!

Go into settings and turn off MMS messaging.

I am using an iPhone on o2 (typing this in it now)
I use emojis all the time when texting friends and family (when words can't easily express what I'm saying to them....)

My bill came in yesterday and it's still the same nor have I had any contract change notification.
I saw the comment you posted previously on Facebook, it was posted by someone I know who posts lots of rubbish.. Such as if you don't like this in 10seconds you will drop dead or share amongst your friends to be a millionaire. I will leave it to you to work out if it's true or not...


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Re: Got an iPhone? Then you should know.
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2016, 09:16:06 am »

I have a so-called 'Smart' phone, which I use for text messaging and phone calls.  I have a large model due to most screen keys being designed for tiny fingers.  Why can't we have a Real QWERTY keyboard like the old Nokia's?  Production costs of course.  As a thin slab they are not ergonomically well suited for use as a handset, but it does the job. 

I do not play games, rarely involve with social media networks, and they are too small to read most internet websites.  The camera on my new phone is a big improvement, but still not a patch on a real digital camera.  My worst gripe is its attempt at location.  I live in Berkshire, while the phone insists I am in Buckinghamshire.

As a texting device and phone they are useful, but the other gimmicks are largely a waste of time IMHO.
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