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Author Topic: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build  (Read 483789 times)


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #575 on: February 05, 2018, 03:42:59 pm »

They will be handy  :-))  thanks


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #576 on: February 05, 2018, 08:35:34 pm »

Hi Kim,

your stand is coming along nicely. As for the feet, I cut them so that they only reached the centre hole of the profile and did not use the nuts that were provided. I wanted to sit mine as low as possible. Glad you found your allen keys. I had not thought about the imperial standard that you are used to %%

Thanks for showing us the Aber hinges. I was just looking for something like that for my doors of my Bigliani class build!

Enjoy the German  pronounciation in your rehearsals ok2




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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #577 on: February 05, 2018, 09:11:30 pm »

Ahah...... I see it now Kim........

Suppose it still qualifies as an  IKEA type concept ...futuristic, with an industrial flavour however able to be built on a domestic assembly line [kitchen table]

Derek Warner

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #578 on: February 05, 2018, 09:23:01 pm »

Aluminium profile is a huge step forward, BUT you must buy it pre-cut to length. It is utterly reliant upon the accuracy of the crosscut.

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #579 on: February 05, 2018, 11:06:29 pm »

That's where a milling machine comes into its own. That's what I will do for the four adjustable legs, but there's going to be some fun there on the front longer legs and their end 'platform'!

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #580 on: February 05, 2018, 11:20:29 pm »

Thanks Arno for the input. Like you, I too wanted the feet as low as possible - here is the result. I have really enjoyed putting this together over the past few days - many thanks.
The old style stand can just be seen in the photos and got many compliments at Shows - the new one will get so many more, I think.


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #581 on: February 06, 2018, 08:27:59 am »

Hi Kim
Nice to see you back on the Shannon build I like the stand it looks like
Rexroth section range which is a very versatile system and can be bought from RS components in the UK.



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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #582 on: February 06, 2018, 10:50:50 am »

Hi Derek,
Good to hear from you. Thanks for the extra supplier, I shall have a look as I started a small order yesterday with a firm in Leicester and at the end they added on a basic standard delivery charge of £19.95 - doubling the cost of the overall order! Yes, you are right, it is the Bosch Rexroth system.
I haven't forgotten the 'Wetlands' date on 14th July when I shall have a lifeboat display and do RNLI Water Safety talks. We'll see each other before then - Dortmund?

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #583 on: February 08, 2018, 11:35:08 am »

Derek - ordered some bits from RS-online from my original order, mentioned above, on Tuesday afternoon, especially some small 'sliders' with an M4 thread. These were to facilitate the making of fixed - but adjustable - screw fittings to position the keel.

So, with the thumb allowing a little movement and slightly less pain I ventured into the workshop and :
  • machined off the underside of six M4 stainless steel bolts, as they were to large to slide in the gully of the extrusion, especially with a washer on too.
  • then cut a 25mm length of the 'ali' and machined off the end to make it at 90 degrees - sorted nicely
  • then put a centre punch mark on the inside surface at 12.5mm to give a place to drill through both sides of the inner box section, thus allowing the Allen key to go through to tighten the bolt and slider onto the bottom section of the frame.
  • shortened the bolts to the correct length for use here - 8mm overall with 3.5mm of reduced cap and 4.5mm thread length from the underside of the cap to the end of the bolt thread
Having done this I needed those ordered sliders - I had lunch instead. When I went into the workshop the front door bell rang and there was Parcel Force with my 'post free' delivery of one small packet of 'sliders' - costing £6!! Now there's service and a decent 'no postage' system from RS-online. I have since used them again for more parts and a de-burring tool.
I put the first support into place [and fitted the other slider into the groove too, otherwise it would mean undoing the system again!] and it worked well. I then finished the other and adjusted that too. All done and well pleased. I shall at a later date machine off the inside edge of each support  to  accommodate the keel. I shall also be adding a liner of neoprene to the top and inside edges.
I shall be going into the workshop again this afternoon to progress the stern supports and then [when time permits] the mid-frame keel supports too.
This is an fun and enjoyable bit of work using both the mended milling machine from last year and the lathe, more recently returned to its working self.


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #584 on: February 09, 2018, 12:28:01 am »

Yesterday was another visit into the workshop to use the same method as the previous Post and get the stern and mid-frame keel supports made. Great fun and enjoyment was had and all went well and no instruments were broken! So good when you get a day like that.
Here are the results and I hope Alan [Kinmel] likes the finish on the ends of the 'cut' supports - but they still need finishing off fully, when I get my miniature [and larger] de-burrers.
Once the inner top edges are profiled to take the keel 'snugly' I will start on the side angled support bar uprights. I have taken this approach to make my stand slightly different and also closer to those used on the real boats. As soon as this is done I hope [right thumb allowing] to get back to work on the actual boat.


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #585 on: February 12, 2018, 12:51:50 am »

Yesterday afternoon I got back into the workshop and started to profile the inside top edges [using the milling machine] of the bow and stern central clamped keel support pieces. The first three photos show the Bow two, with the third of the photos showing it from the opposite side. The next two show the same [back and front views] for the stern ones. The final [sixth] photo shows the underside with the bow ones in place and supporting and the mid-position arrowed [nothing in place] and the stern one arrowed, but with a 'depth of field shot' it appears 'out of focus' - however, it can be seen. I have started the mid-position ones, but did not photograph them.
Some of the edges in these photos show a 'jagged' edge on the open machined surfaces, these will be tidied up when my new [first] de-burring tool miniature blades arrive in the next few days.
Later today I shall:
  • finish the mid-position pieces and fix in place
  • then add the neoprene [rubber] top edge hull protection pieces
  • followed by their end caps
  • after this will be the start of the two stern outer angled support legs
Canterbury Coxswain


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #586 on: February 13, 2018, 12:07:46 am »

Here are the photos from today's venture into the workshop. They cover the top three bullet points above in my previous Post. I hope to start the fourth bullet point work later today.


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #587 on: February 13, 2018, 10:52:19 am »

Nice bit of engineering looks very professional  :-))


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #588 on: February 13, 2018, 08:26:03 pm »

Nice one Kim  :-))
Steamed up all the time

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #589 on: February 14, 2018, 11:16:06 am »

Colin and Phil,
A Happy New Year to each of you and yours! Colin, so good to hear from you again, recently, as you were one of the early 'encouragers' of me to continue this Shannon build thread and Phil, I missed you this year at the London MES as I was singing in a Choral Concert that weekend - you will be pleased to know though, Phil, that I am making sure Andy has got the keel absolutely right so that the Shannon travels in a straight line!

A few have asked after the de-burring tool, especially my good friend Arno [SwiftDoc]. Not from China or India, nor the USA, not even a fine example from Germany! No this, out of hundreds of tools in the workshop is my first from Israel!! It is a NOGA RB1000 Rapid Burr and comes with the one blade shown. I then ordered some more of these blades S10 - BS1010 [only came in packs of 10] and also some with a much smaller end to the blade BK3010 [also only in packs of 10]. Why I have not bought one of these long ago I cannot imagine - so easy to 'take the edge off' brass, ali, styrene and Perpex! Saves using a file and leaves a nice, very small angled edge - perfect. Thanks to Bill my engineer friend for suggesting this and Arno I will be sending an email regarding this tool. The blades can be changed in an instant using the spring loaded 'chuck' and they revolve around the edge being worked on [superb when working on the inside of a tube or other continuous hole] due to the free nature of the retaining chuck mechanism.

Well, into the workshop to start on those four angled supporting stand legs.

Kim [C.C.]



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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #590 on: February 14, 2018, 11:29:57 am »

 {-) {-) {-) {-) ......STRAIGHT to the point

Love the de-burring tool looks like a must have  :-))
Steamed up all the time


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #591 on: February 14, 2018, 02:32:49 pm »

I think the first thing I had to make during my apprenticeship was one of those.


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #592 on: February 14, 2018, 02:55:12 pm »

My first at HMS Fisgard Apprentice Training Establishment was a 1x1x2 inch block
from a rod of cast iron.
Chisel it roughly square then File <*<
Cast filings are worse than coal dust.
Finished job was measured by the instructor
with a micrometer and marks deducted for
tolerance outside 11/2 thou in any plane >>:-(

Smooth seas never made skilful sailors
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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #593 on: February 14, 2018, 10:33:13 pm »

haha...I can just see the listing of the Estate of the late CC  %)

Nine [9] only BK3010 [First Quality Israeli manufactured] Tool Steel de-Burers.......never used, beautifully presented complete in plastic case

Sorry Kim.....I hope you can see the funny side of this {-), if not please do the report it to a higher order being Thee or Thou......or if all else fails a Moderator

Derek Warner

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #594 on: February 14, 2018, 10:46:29 pm »

My first at HMS Fisgard Apprentice Training Establishment was a 1x1x2 inch block
from a rod of cast iron.


My first job when they let us loose in the workshops was a stepped shaft with collars in different materials which had to be a nice sliding fit using rule and outside calipers  :-))

Peace Colin

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #595 on: February 14, 2018, 11:16:19 pm »

Phil, McG, Ned, Derek and Colin,
Many thanks for the comments and insights into your 'early days'. Derek, absolutely fine - really made me chuckle and I think there will be several thousand other 'lots' much the same!! Some folk are going to have a field day - just sorry I won't be there to see it! Arno will have to travel across with a Mercedes van and take his pick! As they say 'stick your head above the parapet and expect to get shot at'. True - and I owe Phil [SteamBoatPhil] a beer when we next meet, as I keep promising him I will not mention the word 'straight' again - bye the way, how is Steph?
All the best to each of the 'quintet' and thanks for your continued interest. Keeps me going.

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #596 on: February 15, 2018, 01:36:58 am »

Today got to spend a couple of hours in the workshop, but before I list what got done I must share a little tip that I now know of [but I'm sure many of you will already know], courtesy of Bill my engineer friend. He brought me over a can of Brake and Clutch cleaning fluid spray. Now I use this to clean off items and tools [including taps and dies] when I have used cutting fluid, likewise end mills and the milling machine vice area. It also cleaned the extruded 'ali' sections when cut today - the cutting fluid and small amounts of swarf soon came off! Next visit to Halfords will see me getting a spare can for back-up.
So, today I was able to:
  • have a 'eureka' moment when I finally found a way to 'lock' the angled support's hinge adjustment. Take out the two grey painted counter-sink inserts and then file off the rear [smaller surface] painted surface and a 'smidge' more - in all around 0.35mm [1/64"]. When it is re-assembled and tightened with the Allen key the hinge is held solidly in the position selected - again, I was really pleased.
  • measure the length of the sections needed for the back stand supports, using a little woodwork angle slide - this showed a 37mm requirement. I cut the first one and machined the ends to a nice 90 degrees surface, then tapped an M6 thread into one end. Then I attached the hinge to the new support arm and left the unit [thus far] in a moveable but 'stiff' state. I offered the arm against the hull bottom and there was a 1mm gap to take the neoprene interface cushion. I cut and fixed this and number one was done.
  • I then took the little woodwork slide to the other side and there was the same gap - this says just how good the hull has been made by Andy at MbD. You will notice that I have also used a spirit level to check the level both front to rear and side to side - all was well.
  • I then repeated the processes to get the second support arm made.
This was a good afternoon's work. Later today, in the afternoon, I aim to go back and make the two bow [front] support arms in a similar manner. You will notice there is one photo showing some of the tools used, including the new de-burring tool - fitted with the small ended blades - to clean the internal holes of the extrusion milled ends. It did the job perfectly!


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #597 on: February 15, 2018, 02:46:08 am »

Brake and Clutch cleaning fluid spray. Now I use this to clean off items and tools [including taps and dies]  <*<

Kim...if this hydrocarbon propellant fluid is related to Tricoethylene 1.1.1. will certainly clean off any residue of cutting fluids, and leave the cutting tool [eg., HSS tap] absolutely clean of any surface contaminate :-))

However these are specifically designed aerosol sprays which do not provide any surface protection against moisture from the atmosphere

[yes....rust will precipitate overnight >>:-(]

An aerosol can of RP7 or WD40, will provide a similar cleaning function, however will also provide a full surface protection against corrosion

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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #598 on: February 15, 2018, 06:41:04 pm »

Hi Kim,
Are you concerned about the weight of the Lifeboat bearing on the 4 support legs of the Stand and leaving dents in the Hull.


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Re: Shannon 'RNLB The Morrell' 13-02 [Models by Design] - a 1/12th build
« Reply #599 on: February 15, 2018, 10:24:18 pm »

Looks supported by the keel in three points so outside legs are to just hold it upright  :-))
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