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Author Topic: Parking Scam  (Read 5079 times)


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Parking Scam
« on: October 14, 2016, 12:25:45 pm »


Just found this on the Web - - any info ???.


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2016, 12:37:01 pm »

I think that the law has been changed since that Martin Lewis program.

The one from police/traffic warden is not ignore it, pay or contest asap
The other one is normally given out by operators of private car parks, since clamping was outlawed? these "parking" tickets have been in abundance, and yes you could totally ignore it....BUT now I believe the law was changed and they could persue you for payment.


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 12:37:45 pm »

I find parking in my local hospital horrendous you get que jumpers and car park rage,
And still have to pay to park disabled or not. With the risk of getting a ticket if you go
Over your paid period, it's those tickets I object to >>:-(



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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2016, 12:40:56 pm »



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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2016, 12:48:45 pm »

The one from the private companies is an invoice, yes they hope that you will pay up. Yes they will send out a following notice demanding up to a £140, but still accept the reduced fee if paid within 14 days. Then they get heavy with another letter demanding the £140 in full - this usually comes from a 'debt collecting agency' in truth it is the same department that sent out the original.

If all of these are ignored then sometimes they will pursue through the courts. They don't normally do that because people usually pay up! But sometimes they decide that they will make an example, but more often than not don't go any further because the cost of going to court outweighs the possibility of them winning - courts don't look favourably on them for some reason ;)

What you have to ask yourself is - do I pay up with the 35 quid, do I ignore and eventually pay up the £140 or do I possibly end up in court and still pay the £140 plus court cost? The choice is yours.

Now that I have explained that, I will say my sis in law got a ticket every morning for a full week and her heinous crime? She parked in a carpark purchasing an all day ticket at 7.15am, however the car park didn't open until 7.30! There were no signs visible to attest to this and the gates of the car park were unlocked and swung back. Both of these were grounds for contesting at court but like a fool she paid the charges.


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2016, 12:54:38 pm »

I once had some parking charges revoked, I drove to out local hospital with shoulder pains, and was admitted, as I was in pain and visiting the out of hours doctor at 11pm, I hadnt paid to park - in one of the 20mins free spaces, but then I was kept in for 24 hours, I had informed the staff on duty that my car was parked in a space, and they had told me that they would leave word with the parking staff, somehow that never happened, so I got a parking ticket. when I explained that due to being admitted, I could not go out and pay for a ticket, they were very nice and dismissed the charges


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2016, 02:02:35 pm »

Scottish Law is different. I wrote this posting in May last year. Still heard nothing.

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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2016, 04:09:42 pm »

I have contested 3 'parking penalties', one from my local hospital and 2 from local authority car-parks. I considered them all unfair, illegal or mistaken. All the enforcers adamantly refused to listen to reason, so in all cases I terminated all my arguments with, 'well, I am happy to let a Judge decide - see you in court'! In all cases I got a grudging response cancelling the penalty.  If you are in the right and think you are being 'done' - stick to your guns!  These money-grabbing shysters are grabbing plenty of cash from punters, so they really don't want to take it to court and just drop the case.

*In the case of the hospital 'penalty', I had paid to park and returned in time to find a ticket penalty for £80. The ticket displayed had fallen from the dashboard onto the floor, behind my briefcase. The enforcers had the gall to suggest that the ticket I produced to confirm  my case could have been picked up from somewhere and used illegally. Naturally, the ire this aroused was slightly incandescent and made me absolutely  determined not to let them get away with it. Nevertheless, it took me 6 months to win. All this despite the fact that I was being treated for a life-threatening lillness and the stress of fighting the injustice did me no good at all!. Heartless  B******s! >>:-(

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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2016, 04:35:05 pm »

The ticket displayed had fallen from the dashboard onto the floor

Same happened to me when I parked on "pay & display" on sea front. As soon as I got home I scanned my paid-for ticket, along with the penalty notification, printed them off and posted to the authority in question.
I made sure to mark the bottom of the print out "copy 2 of 4". Distribution 1:Self  2:Parking penalty office  3:Solicitor  4:File

The actual offences were: Failing to pay & Failing to display.

Naturally, the 1st offence was countered by my ticket which showed the time and date of purchase, along with location.

My covering letter included the fact that the ticket had slipped to the floor of the car, therefore the Parking Control Officer was unable to see it. (technically, the 2nd offence was correct).

The authority decided to act fairly in this instance and the penalty notification was withdrawn.

IF they had done otherwise then I would have been happy to attend the courts and here's why:-

The officer in question had actually written out my car's registration incorrectly {-) {-)

Obviously, this was in the days before handwriting was replaced, by technical wizardry. :police:




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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2016, 09:37:40 pm »

Letter from the SAC [Sydney Airports Corporation] issuing a $80.00 fine my vehicle ADN-34P illegally parking at Sydney airport on a certain day

Checked my daybook & I was in the Port Kembla region on the said day & would have many colleagues to attest to this

Spoke with the SAC people who advised they had photographic evidence of my vehicle ADN-34P illegally parked at the airport

I challenged SAC and they responded by producing an image of a silver Nissan 2 door coupe, however without clear detail of the number plate

I found this rather interesting, as my ADN-34P is a white Mitsubishi 4 door station sedan

So I could only conclude these wonderful people from SAC had incorrectly recorded the registration plate number of the silver Nissan 2 door coupe, accessed the NSW Government computer records to find the name & address of the owner however failed to check & see if the vehicle detail matched

So a photocopy of my Vehicle registration signed by a JP & a few other papers were forwarded to SAC

Some two  months later a nice letter from SAC.....'we have in this case only, have rescinded your parking infringement. however if you do park your silver Nissan 2 door coupe registered number ADN-34P at any of the Macquarie Group airport facilities no leniency will be shown' <*<


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2016, 09:56:47 am »

Whilst I wouldn't advocate parking illegally, from what I've seen on recent TV programmes it is always worth challenging the ticket but also it pays to get some proof to back up your argument such as badly signed parking restrictions


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2016, 10:58:37 am »

Letter from the SAC [Sydney Airports Corporation] issuing a $80.00 fine my vehicle ADN-34P illegally parking at Sydney airport on a certain day
Checked my daybook & I was in the Port Kembla region on the said day & would have many colleagues to attest to this
Spoke with the SAC people who advised they had photographic evidence of my vehicle ADN-34P illegally parked at the airport
I challenged SAC and they responded by producing an image of a silver Nissan 2 door coupe, however without clear detail of the number plate
I found this rather interesting, as my ADN-34P is a white Mitsubishi 4 door station sedan
So I could only conclude these wonderful people from SAC had incorrectly recorded the registration plate number of the silver Nissan 2 door coupe, accessed the NSW Government computer records to find the name & address of the owner however failed to check & see if the vehicle detail matched
So a photocopy of my Vehicle registration signed by a JP & a few other papers were forwarded to SAC
Some two  months later a nice letter from SAC.....'we have in this case only, have rescinded your parking infringement. however if you do park your silver Nissan 2 door coupe registered number ADN-34P at any of the Macquarie Group airport facilities no leniency will be shown' <*<Derek

Exactly the same grudging reply and warning I received despite their being completely in the wrong. What is wrong with an honest admission of mistake and an apology? Is there an international school for these parking organisations one wonders?.


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2016, 12:54:40 pm »

A couple of years ago, I returned to my car parked in the Lakeside car park in Keswick to find a penalty on the screen. Failure to display a ticket, despite a valid all day ticket being in the clip on the windscreen provided for the purpose by Skoda!.  I contested the ticket with the council , who said that part of the ticket was behind the darker coloured zoning around the screen but that the photo taken by the enforcement officer as part of his procedure showed a clearly valid ticket.  Clearly embarrassed, they cancelled the ticket issued because the guy couldn't read all of it from 5 feet away and couldn't be arsed to walk up to the car and look at the ticket. 

The car parks in the area do have a nasty reputation for aggressive ticketing, but the guy on duty around the park when I got back to my car ( not the one who issued the ticket) was very helpful explaining how to go about getting it cancelled etc.


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2016, 02:14:04 pm »

I was walking up a long hill in Nottingham (to the pub, actually) a while ago, a few yards behind two of Nottingham's Finest Traffic Wardens (even the name reminds you of prison...). I presume they hunt in pairs because one is good at letters and the other at numbers...
Anyway, one stopped beside a parked car, took out his ticket gizmo and slapped a ticket onto the windscreen. The car belonged to my friend Brian, who was a resident of the street and had a valid resident's permit. I checked to confirm this was up to date and on show as I passed the car, then caught up with the pair and asked why the car had been ticketed.
"It's a Resident's space" came the reply.
"But he lives just there and he has a parking permit on display" I said.
The man turned to his cohort and they both laughed - "Too effing late, mate! I've issued the ticket now so he'll have to take it up with the Police HQ people".
Makes you feel proud, doesn't it?

As a tale in favour of car parking people, wife #1 and I had driven non-stop from Derby to Sherringham, in Norfolk, despite the outside temperature being around 75° and my little HC Viva not having anything as luxurious as aircon. We pulled into the car park on Morris Street to be greeted by an old gaffer with a real broad Norfolk accent.
"Boy" he says " You look haaaat! Where you come from?"
"Derby" I said.
"Whaaaat? All in one go? You be maaaad! Now, if you paaaaark your caaaar over there in that space (pointing) then that tree'll shade it from the sun"
I thanked him and parked up.
As we passed the entrance on foot he said "I suppose you'll be hungry and need a drink, eh? Well, you go down there and cross the bridge - don't go in (Name of pub omitted) - but carry on to The (Can't remember!). You can get a noice point and a bootiful craaab sandwich there".
And what do you know? He was dead right!



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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2016, 04:35:43 pm »

many years ago now, in Maidstone I was parked in a valid space with a valid ticket, when I returned to the car, it had a parking ticket on the screen, I checked my ticket, and yes still 10 minutes on it. this was before the days of mobiles and digital cameras, so I guess they thought it would be my word against theirs. so i drove to the police station, and then handed both my ticket and the enforcement notice over the counter, and asked them to book the exact time I did so, still 3 minutes before my ticket expired and the enforcement ticket was supposedly issued. this they did, and I asked them what I should do next. they asked me to leave the tickets with them, and they would have a word with the parking wardens, I never did hear any more about it, but soon afterwards the newspapers reported a scandal with the traffic wardens illegaly issuing tickets in the town. I think I may just have provided the proof needed by the police to act.


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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2016, 11:43:55 pm »

Many years ago I parked my car right in the middle of Ypres, having followed my Flemish friend Christophe in his car. As I walked towards the ticket machine, he asked what I was doing. "Buying a ticket," I said, "look at the fines if you don't!" They were quite vast.

He said "Tickets are just for the tourists."

"And I've got a right-hand drive, UK-registered car. It emits pure tourist."

"But you're with me, a guest, not a tourist. You won't need one!"  %%

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Re: Parking Scam
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2016, 12:51:44 pm »

Or come to Spain. Unless you are talking Madrid or Barcelona, then no ticket machines! Just don't park against a kerb that is painted yellow or blue. anywhere else goes - even double parking and parking on pedestrian crossings. Even parking across somebody's garage or garden entrance is allowed, unless the owner has displayed a sign which basically says 'permanent access required' Of course you have to pay the council 50€ a year for one of these signs %)

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