Well what a day!
I don't think the BBMF had seen an engineer so wanting the job as me, apart from getting there an hour early, I didn't leave until 5:30pm! I recognised some of the well played tricks to see if you're really interested in the job not just the posting to Coningsby, this was done by asking if I'd like to get on the road at 3:30pm to avoid traffic or would I like to help polish the Lancaster. Needless to say my words were muffled as I legged it back into the hangar with my cloth in hand and spent the next two hours rubbing the weekends dirt off the airframe.
I had the fantastic job of working on the PRXIX Spitfire's Griffon engine removing the reduction gear, haven't had so much fun in the job for years.
Spoke to their Warrant Officer, Chief, Trade Managers, and most of the 25 techies about their time and what it was really like. One thing that did surprise me was the question' do you like flying?' rapidly followed by 'can you swim?'. When I said I was fine with both the WO said that the previous techies and other applicants for the post in the past had said no to both! He seemed very relieved that was happy flying and could swim!
I was a bit naughty and asked about my rival to the current job and they all answered that he was ' not memorable ' which really surprised me.
So fingers crossed I'll find out if I've been successful in the next couple of months.